I am currently making a fairly large project. And I would love some help (primarily those who worked on "reports," Veterans, or current serving members of any military to add authenticity, and any experienced writers.)
The help that I need are compositions of field reports to add a mixture of writing techniques, and what occurs during the beginning, main events and the climax.
Now the reports will have an outcome and unchangeable aspects during said report. However, you will have creative liberty when it comes to overall tactics, writing styles, names, what occurs during the engagements, and decisions made during the beginning, middle and some parts of the end of the report.
I will of course be providing a list of unchangeable aspects, background information, the outcome of the battle report(s), and any information that you would like to/need to know about so that way it is fluid.
You can DM me on discord for questions.
Discord ID: doctor_cinnamon_toast (should appear as Stop_Motion_Hub. If that doesn't work, try Doctor Cinnamon Toast #9872)
Thanks guys