Halo Fanon

Hey there, Sona here. I had this idea the other day to write a bit about everyone in AAO, so anyone who reads this will get to know us a bit better and that could encourage them to communicate with us, inside of our expanded universe or out. After recently conversing with a new user, I had the impression that she held us in what seemed to be reverence, while holding very little confidence in her own work. This seemed rather unusual to me, as we in AAO are normal people just like the rest of the community (or as normal as you can get on this wiki). So, to express that, I'll be telling you guys a bit about ourselves, starting with the ones that seem to be most intimidating. That is to say, the users at the top of the chain.

Let's begin with Maslab. He is one of the two co-creators of Against All Odds (the other is me). Basically, he's the genius mastermind behind our whole universe. He doesn't write all our stories, or provide all his ideas for us, but he's got a knack for being creative and more often than not unpredictable. As you may have known, he's the writer of the long story series, Flight of the Phoenix. And I'll tell you, there's a whole bunch of things in there that even Bungie certainly wouldn't have thought to make. And guess what? It all fits. Don't be terrified of him just because he's an admin. Although you may be a bit put out sometimes by his tendency to be brutally honest, you know that he's not trying to bring you down. And you have to admit that he gets you places. I must say, without him, I don't think we could've gotten AAO off the ground.

Moving on to Spartan-091. Now he's the kind of admin that Halo Fanon needs more of: keeping things in line while making users feel welcome on this site. That's not to say that 091 is soft or something; trust me, you do not want this guy pissed off at you. He does take a severe line on those who break rules and act despondent to the rest of the community. But he's (usually) sure of the right decisions, and I admire him for his initiative and his insight. The advice he gave me for getting AAO somewhere proved to be very helpful, and he doesn't hesitate to step up and tell say something that needs to be said. It's probably why he's one of Halo Fanon's bureaucrats.

Most of you probably have heard of SPARTAN-118. I think of him as the jerk who's always right. In other words, he likes to point out mistakes others have made in an annoying way, but they can't really contradict him for it. It does get irritating at times, but somehow I can't help but like him. Sure, he's crossed the line a few times, but then again, so have all of us at one point. He knows that half of Halo Fanon wants his ass on a pike, but he just waves at them and says, "Go fuck yourselves." But in all seriousness, 118 is a great writer, he can be responsible when he wants to, and in a way, he's the life of the party when it comes to AAO.

And then there's me. You may have heard of me, you may not have. But either way, you might have caught a glimpse of my work before. If Maslab is the brains behind AAO, then (in all lack of modesty) that would make me the backbone. I'm the one who holds up the structure of AAO, but I'm no genius when it comes to science. So most of the time I try to avoid that whole field altogether, and when I find that I really can't, I turn to Maslab. But when it comes to writing, I can piece together a decent piece of work. I also like to reach out to new users and help them onto the Halo Fanon track, and reassure them when they feel rejected by other users. I'm not saying that I treat them like 5-year olds (except for maybe this one time) but give them advice in an encouraging manner as well as being honest with them. Basically, I'm not the guy who would take my bad mood out on other people if I have a lousy day.

So there you go. For those who haven't come to know us very well, or if you're new to the site, I hope reading this will stop you feeling all lowly, because we're not that terrifying. We're people too, and just because we've been around on this wiki for a longer time, it doesn't mean we look down on those who aren't as experienced (well, 118 might come close in that field :P).
