Halo Fanon
Hunger Games Eraicon

Here we go, here we go, it's your turn to make history. If you still are confused even after reading the title, not that that isn't a bizarre event, it's the Fourth Annual Halo Fanon Hunger Games! Yep, the tournament no one asked for returns for 2019 as well...anyway, with a new roster comprising of our Discord server's active members (or so I like think), I present to you the bouts of survival in this deathly competition.

Note: There are no alliances allowed, but traps and mutts attack are both allowed to give some diversity to the games. Kudos to IndyRevolution once again for the idea!
Cquote1 May the odds ever be in your favour. Cquote2




Ajax 013

Alaska 013

Anonymous ONI Agent



Colonel ryan

Delta Pistol

Distant Tide





Minuteman 2492








Timothy Emeigh


Let the Games... begin![]

Day 1

Revan1801 killed by EvenManatee887

Colonel Ryan killed by Ajax-013

Colin killed by Brodie-001

Actene killed by Ajax-013

SilverLastname killed by Spartan-D042

Minuteman 2492 killed by Spartan-D042

Delta Pistol killed by S-D379

Sev40 killed by LHF

LOMI-Nogard killed by S-D379

Anonymous ONI agent killed by Distant Tide

EvenManatee887 killed by Ajax-013

Day 2

Timothy Emeigh killed by UnggoyZealot

Ajax-013 killed by LHF

Alaska-013 killed by LHF

LHF killed by slowfuture

ThePeteFiles killed by S-D379

S-D379 killed by Distant Tide

Day 3

slowfuture killed by Distant Tide

Day 4

Brodie-001 killed by Spartan-D042

Day 5

UnggoyZealot killed by Spartan-D042

Day 6

Distant Tide killed by Spartan-D042

Spartan-D042 killed by Ahalosniper

Ahalosniper killed by Echowaffle8

Echowaffle8 is the victor!

Aaaaaaaand there you have it, our crowned victor is none other than the man behind the legendary Gilgameshan honey bee himself, Echowaffle8! Be sure to tune in next year with an updated list of candidates. Who knows, maybe you'll end up winning it as well.

Until next year, live and play well, and always remember. Naoka Ueno is NOT best girl.

Creatures of my dreams Eraicon AA Raise up and dance with me

Post-Script: Echo, you sneaky bastard. You did nothing the entire time just to kill ASniper and get the title. No wonder you did SotF Season 6.5, you frickin' genius.