Halo Fanon

Adam-420 had done his research on Installation 02. Yet why was the Office of Naval Intelligence so suspicious about Promeatheans taking control of the Installation? He sighed and put on his helmet, loading his SMG. He turned towards Torin and Frederick, two Marines assigned to assist him on this mission. “Now remember the objective,” Adam said, noting that Torin had a glint of annoyance in his eyes. The pelican hovered above the drop point and Adam jumped out first, getting out of the way of Torin and Fred. The marines jumped out, not having any other choice. The first thing Adam noticed was lots, and lots, of water. And they were on a very, very large rock. Oh, this is going to be so exciting! Adam thought sarcastically. They immediately began searching the area.

“Found something!” Fred yelled out, motioning for Adam to check it out. The Spartan knelt down and moved one of the rocks so he could see what it exactly was. He saw a circle that looked forerunner, and Adam was a little annoyed. Seems their the cause of our problems these days. He took out the chip for his A.I. and plugged it in. “Zoey, I’m gonna need your held figuring out what this is.” The A.I. nodded silently. Adam saw the text on his HUD, and he also saw the artifact glow and eventually start to spin. “Uh…” Adam said as the island began to shake. He saw the rocks slide away and Adam was tempted to slide along with them. 420 saw Torin almost fall off, but the Spartan grabbed the Marine before he could fall. “Thanks,” The Marine said, not sure on what to exactly say. Fred ended up falling next, being caught by Torin. Adam pulled the two Marines up and onto the structure. It was a Forerunner structure.

Jayne avoided the blast from the Scarab and picked up a SPNKR rocket launcher on the ground and fired two shots at the vehicle’s legs, causing it to lose balance. She reloaded and fired another two rockets and left it on the ground, firing her M6 until it was empty. Jayne avoided one of the Scarab’s legs and jumped onto a ledge, jumping onto the Scarab. One of the Brute driver’s saw her and fired his Brute Spiker at her. The Spartan jumped out of the way and landed on the Brute’s back, stabbing her knife into his neck. The Brute collapsed. Jayne jumped away from the falling Brute and continued to search for the power core. She found it guarded by an Elite.

Jay searched the remains of the front half of the ship. So far, he had found that there were four ODSTs who had survived and one Marine. The rest he had suspicions about were either dead, or missing. "Is anyone there?" He turned around an saw the ship's holoterminal. He walked over to the holoterminal and turned it on, and he saw the ship's AI, Maria. "Oh thank god," She said, relieved, "I thought I'd be stuck here forever." Jay pulled out the chip and put it in his helmet. So far, thirty of the ninety-six person crew were dead. Sixty-six people could still be alive. The ODSTs were still armed, but the one Marine was only equipped with an M6, and he had already shot most of his rounds. Jay looked around and nodded at Kal. 425, 338, and the survivors made their way out of the ship and began their trip to the other half, the half that Jay had started at.

Jayne placed a plasma grenade on the power core and crawled out of the Scarab, jumping off of it to avoid the explosion. 428 was blinded by the explosion, noting that it was red instead of the regular blue. Well, it’s official, I hate that color. She looked around and saw the bodies of the remaining survivors. Son of a bitch. End Of Chapter Two