Halo Fanon

Note: This page is Halo Fanon's community center. It's a place to ask questions and propose projects. For general site or community discussion, see the Forum instead.

Halo Fanon on Youtube[]

A few mates of mine, who are all common Halofanon users, are going to begin video making, showcasing existing Fan Fiction texts in the Halo universe, particularly some on this very wikia. We are interested in submissions to our youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/JanillaProductions . We are starting up as of August and would love for the community members on here to subscribe and submit various fan fic images and fan fiction! Wr1ghty 11:36, June 29, 2010 (UTC)

Ajax 013 - <Death to Heroes>[The Damned] [The Lost][The Forgotten] ObscurumVictoria
TALK - Greenwich Mean Time
I'd rather not have my work advertised on there.

Spartan-091Bureau Roundel Senior Bureaucrat Orpheus Roundel Orpheus Ranger Roundel 10/105 Cavalier Roundel M56S
Yeah, no thanks.

Role Playing?[]

Anyone in the mood to help create a large RP with me, and any others if they want to help to? =]. I have an idea in mind, which is you pick one of three scenarios, such as "A spartan stuck on one side of the planet, while his only form of escape is on the other" and you pick a difficulty (easy normal etc) and the difficulties vary by having the same situations, but more chances of dying? If ya'll get what i mean. Wr1ghty 07:02, December 8, 2009 (UTC)

Before asking for help, first establish the plot of the RP by creating the article (RP:YOUR-COOL-TITLE-HERE). From there, lay out a basic outline of what the RP is consist of (Covenant?, UNSC?, Where?, When?). Please note that RPs normally do not have difficulty settings but if you have a unique concept and think it could work well with your RP, go for it! If a user likes RP, I bet he or she will try to participate.- 5əb'7aŋk(7alk) 13:06, December 8, 2009 (UTC)


Where can I find infobox for my character?

--Max Jordan 01:51, December 9, 2009 (UTC)

Template:Character Infobox--Lol@Phailure 02:39, December 9, 2009 (UTC)


I can't find an tag number, I checked all of the others and they're taken, can you help me?

--Max Jordan 22:42, December 9, 2009 (UTC)

Lordofmonsterisland — There are... no strings... on me...
First, what tag do you want, then we'll move to the next part

The Noob is back[]

Noob being me =] But um yeah, how do you make the page which lists all of the articles you have created? Wr1ghty 06:56, December 10, 2009 (UTC)

Make a page called Category:Wr1ghty. If you have tagged all your articles with property templates, it should automatically link them once the article is made. lololo'lolololol 'I r Blade bane!

Erm, it does it anyway...all you need to to is use the Writer Template. Rainbow_Dash.pngRainbow Dash (Talk)(Contribs)  

Or the Category Template.. :P - 5əb'7aŋk(7alk) 21:38, December 10, 2009 (UTC)

Lordofmonsterisland — There are... no strings... on me...
We have a Category template? 0_0 Wow, I never heard of that one... and I'm an admin!...

It's for those who dislike the Writer template which messes up the article's appearance.- 5əb'7aŋk(7alk) 17:41, December 13, 2009 (UTC)

Delete Article[]

I just recent added a deletion template to my own article because Im never going to finish the article and it's just taking up space. Can an admin go and delete it? Thanks. TickToXsiK 17:39, December 13, 2009 (UTC)

Add {{Delete|Reason}} to the article and the administration team will do the rest.- 5əb'7aŋk(7alk) 17:41, December 13, 2009 (UTC)

Okay, thanks. TickToXsiK 17:43, December 13, 2009 (UTC)

The Noob is back again[]

Being me =] Just wanting to ask, are we allowed to create SPARTAN-IIs from the first class? Wr1ghty 04:01, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

MaslabI am assuming direct control.I am the harbinger of your destiny.Preserve <insert name here>'s body if possible.Releasing control.
Yeah, you are. Why couldn't you?

Need help finding story[]

A couple months ago I was reading a story about a marine on Installation 04 and how he was trying to escape the flood. I hardly remember anything about it, but I'm trying to find it, so if anyone knows any stories like it, let me know.--Sgt.T.N.Biscuits 04:38, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

Halo Evolutions? or Johnson? Wr1ghty 04:41, January 11, 2010 (UTC)
It was onthis wikia, and it was under construction. --Sgt.T.N.Biscuits 04:52, January 11, 2010 (UTC)
Try the Random page feature to see if you can find it that way. Rainbow_Dash.pngRainbow Dash (Talk)(Contribs)  
I have been, but it ussually comes up with articles that have nothing on them, but I'll keep trying.--Sgt.T.N.Biscuits 15:00, January 11, 2010 (UTC)


Does anyone find it weird that previous information states the battle of reach was just about two and a half hours long? I expect the time of the battle will be completely rewritten with the release of Halo: Reach. What my question was going to be (lol) was that is it acceptable to incorporate S-IIIs into articles the same way they are in Halo: Reach? Like there being possible splinter groups of Alpha, Beta company etc, and putting them in Mjolnir? Wr1ghty 21:38, January 13, 2010 (UTC)

MaslabI am assuming direct control.I am the harbinger of your destiny.Preserve <insert name here>'s body if possible.Releasing control.
Previous information by no means says that the Battle of Reach was about two and a half hours long. It was more like a month long. Check this.

As for the S-IIIs, was there anything that said you couldn't before?

Maslab, the timeline of the Battle puts the main part of it at about 2 and a half hours, going from something like 0447 to 0730 (I'm close enough). That was what I was referring to before. And the month long part I know was about all the dudes in CASTLE base and the other joint. Wr1ghty 01:56, January 14, 2010 (UTC)
I would suggest holding these ideas until the game is released.- 5əb'7aŋk(7alk) 21:42, January 13, 2010 (UTC)

Timeline of SPARTAN-G138[]

is there anything that took place during February 20. 2552 and March 5, 2534? need to find a position for my SPARTAN character. Max Jordan 19:21, January 19, 2010 (UTC)

I suggest browsing Halopedia.- 5əb'7aŋk(7alk) 21:30, January 19, 2010 (UTC)
Ajax 013 - <Death to Heroes>[The Damned] [The Lost][The Forgotten] ObscurumVictoria
TALK - Greenwich Mean Time
what has this got to do with the main page?

I don't suppose they thought of using the IRC >.< Rainbow_Dash.pngRainbow Dash (Talk)(Contribs)  

The irk is for n00b5! The main page's talk page is where it's at! *puts on sunglasses*--DREADHEAD613 02:50, January 21, 2010 (UTC)


Hi guys,

I kind of need some help with roleplay. First off, how do I start. Like, where do I go to get one started? Another thing, any tips on getting a good story? Lastly, my last few Fanons haven't been very good, any tips on bringing a good character to life?

Right well, cheers guys. ;)



Hi guys,

I kind of need some help with roleplay. First off, how do I start. Like, where do I go to get one started? Another thing, any tips on getting a good story? Lastly, my last few Fanons haven't been very good, any tips on bringing a good character to life?

Right well, cheers guys. ;)


Regarding to how I write articles here.[]

Do Fanon articles have to be presented in a wiki format or can you actually write it like a novel if you want to? Because I was hoping to write a Halo Fan Fiction from a first person POV. -Awesum Scrote

You can make Fanon articles in two formats, generally. Either an actual story, or an article on a weapon/vehicle/you name it. To that end, we have character infoboxes, alien infoboxes, weapon infoboxes, and others; stories, on the otherhand, don't really need templates.

Respectfully, -- AR Contact Contributions

New Category[]

I think we should put include the species category on the main page. Maybe put in a planets category, too. - Echo 1 15:36, May 30, 2010 (UTC), rating precursor articles one page at a time.

Problem is that Species articles are not.... that popular in HaloFanon and most of them have been tagged with NCF/Unrealism/incomplete. It is best to focus on what most fanoners do (which are Weapons, characters, UNSC/Covenant stuff, etc).- 5əb'7aŋk(7alk) 16:03, May 30, 2010 (UTC)

Welcome fail.[]

There was 8 Halo rings: Installation 01, Installation 02, Inst. 03, Inst. 04A, Inst 04B, Inst. 05, Inst. 06 and Inst. 07. Half Elite, Half ODST 06:31, June 4, 2010 (UTC)

Whilst you can view it that way, Installations 04(A) and 04(B) are considered as a single installation as the original was destroyed leading to the seconds construction. Without the destruction of the original, the second never would have been built and therefore cannot be considered an 8th Installation. --Goose2The Goose

Libra Icon
The parksterLibra Team - Fermamentum Pondera
How ironic that your attempt at failing something resulted in your own failure. Sorry, just made me laugh how it backfired :L

Gamma SPARTANs?[]

Howdy, do we have vague rules for the creation of SPARTANs from the postponed GAMMA Company? Such as the year it commenced or the birth date for a required participant? Unsigned comment by (talk • contribs). Please sign your talk page posts with '~~~~'.

An Elite
Norman-123 - (Insert witty phrase here)
TALK - Greenwich Mean Time
Gamma wasn't canceled. I think you mean Delta. But Gamma Program began at 2543. Since the canidates were roughly 5-8? years old, they're born around 2545-2548.

But as for Delta Company, you can chose to re-start the program at any time you wish. The canidates would also most likely be children though.

"Other" Articles[]

I'm not quite sure on what the term is for them.. BUT is it alright to create articles on here that build upon confirmed canon? E.g. Creating another company of Alpha Spartans that ran alongside the original? Y'know, those types of articles? Because I kinda wish to create a small "Universe" as it is called on articles that build upon canon without contradicting it. Wr1ghty 11:48, July 22, 2010 (UTC)

MaslabI am assuming direct control.I am the harbinger of your destiny.Preserve <insert name here>'s body if possible.Releasing control.
That specific idea would be NCF, but building on canon elements is fine.

Wouldn't the {{Alternate}} in solving this problem, though? --rozhmessage 23:28, October 21, 2010 (UTC)

The Alternate template is one of those unofficial template unsanctioned by the administration team that provides the user a wild card to do anything. In short, it's not supposed to exist.- 5əb'7aŋk(7alk) 23:44, October 21, 2010 (UTC)

Hmm, I see. Thanks for the clarification. :) --RozhTitle 00:34, October 22, 2010 (UTC)

Main page (mis?)alignment[]

CarpeJugulumThe day is coming when we will say, "Truly, they were noble."
I assume this is due to the new Wikia look, but the main page is a bit out of whack. Of course, I'm using Monaco like a good reactionary, so maybe it looks fine the other way.

Yes, that. :P - 5əb'7aŋk(7alk) 19:45, October 24, 2010 (UTC)

Deletion Section[]

EpsilonIndi"On and on shall old war go, / Without respite my blood will flow / O’er your eyes ‘til they cannot see / The impossibility of victory.
I think there should be a system which users could put pages that's theirs and they want deleted so it would be more convenient for everybody. Also, it would be great to put out articles for adoption when for a limited amount of time before having it be deleted.

Lordofmonsterisland — There are... no strings... on me...
Um, we already have that. It's called add {{Delete|Author request}} to the page you want deleted, and if someone wants it, they'll ask you for it, you say yes, they have it

EpsilonIndi"On and on shall old war go, / Without respite my blood will flow / O’er your eyes ‘til they cannot see / The impossibility of victory.
I'm thinking of more of a box where you could put things you don't want in. So if someone looks in it and stumbles upon something they like they'll take it. And that way, you won't have to have a long conversation with an admin and just post it on there. It's basically like a Inbox for deletion.

MaslabI am assuming direct control.I am the harbinger of your destiny.Preserve <insert name here>'s body if possible.Releasing control.
*wanders in, sets the box on the table, walks out*

EpsilonIndi"On and on shall old war go, / Without respite my blood will flow / O’er your eyes ‘til they cannot see / The impossibility of victory.
I'm thinking of entering the 2011 banner and slide contest. I have a good image but I don't know how to put the Halo Fanon text on with the Halo font. I've downloaded the font and is installed into my computer but there's no software I could find that has Microsoft systems so I could use the font and I can insert text. I need to know what program can let me do that. Help.

RozhSituation normal, all fucked up.
If its properly installed (the one that I know of is called Halo 3), then it should be available on all programs. This includes Notepad, Wordpad, MS Word, Open Office, Paint.NET, MS Paint, and Inkscape (I think).

EpsilonIndi"On and on shall old war go, / Without respite my blood will flow / O’er your eyes ‘til they cannot see / The impossibility of victory.
Yeah, it's called Halo3 and thanks. But I need to know how to do it.

You just have install the .ttf file via WinRAR. Rozh (Tik Tok)
Or this.— subtank (7alk) 00:35, January 26, 2011 (UTC)

EpsilonIndi"On and on shall old war go, / Without respite my blood will flow / O’er your eyes ‘til they cannot see / The impossibility of victory.
I know that. I already have the Halo3 font installed but I need to know what program it is best to do it on and how. Thanks for the support.

Would any of you support the idea of this being suggested on the main page? --Chris talk blog 21:22, February 3, 2011 (UTC)

Violates ToU. — subtank (7alk) 21:33, February 3, 2011 (UTC)

The slider says "with you were here!' instead of "wish you were here". --Chris talk blog 02:32, February 8, 2011 (UTC)

Is there any way to use the customized .css without removing the search bar? Does anyone actually still use the custom .css? x_-~Phalanx Actual~-_x 07:37, March 14, 2011 (UTC)

Blame Twerdette?[]

Why does that say that, ha ha.--Twerdette

It did the same to me, only it said Warhead Prime. I think it may be some form of template that places whoever is looking at its username there. Warhead Prime 16:48, May 28, 2011 (UTC)

Horrible Coding?[]

Yes, we all hate Wikia. ;) — subtank (7alk) 23:02, March 17, 2011 (UTC)
Indeed. We truly hate Wikia Nanosoldier contribs talk 06:11, March 18, 2011 (UTC)
It's been so many months since I was here, and you guys haven't changed a bit XDlololo'lolololol 'I r Blade bane!
Why does the coding on this wikia such so much? What happened to the "==(title)==" and "===[title]===" we used to use? The drop down menu doesnt work for me and is so inferior to theo riginal one that used the ='s. SomethingDifferent 09:23, April 26, 2011 (UTC)
It's Wikia, not just this wiki. Blame them— subtank (7alk) 12:13, April 26, 2011 (UTC)

Felix-119The First Casualty of War is Innocence

Search Glitch[]

Cory Phelps
Agreon - |The Talk|The Changes|The Soldier|The Spartan|The Ship
Sword spree

TALK - Wednesday, February 19 2025 (Eastern Daylight Time)
I really don't know who to turn to for this, so I put it here. I just renamed my page, Luke-002 to SPARTAN-002. However, when I use the searchbox to look for SPARTAN-002, it does not show up. I must use the old name, Luke-002 still. I've seen this fixed before, and if someone can do it, be my guest. Thanks.

Works well for me. Might be cache or Wikia's cache was in error at the time of browsing.— subtank (7alk) 12:34, May 26, 2011 (UTC)
Cory Phelps
Agreon - |The Talk|The Changes|The Soldier|The Spartan|The Ship
Sword spree

TALK - Wednesday, February 19 2025 (Eastern Daylight Time)
I just tried again searching for SPARTAN-002. It'll take me to the page, but it doesn't show up in the search. Luke-002 still does show up. Also, SPARTAN-002's talk redirects to SPARTAN-202's.

Updated HF logos[]

[[File:Halo_Fanon_New_Logo.png|300px]] [[File:Updated_HF_logo.png|300px]] Which is better? — Nanosoldier

Rsz acxbnf7
LoyalHaloFan — I know nothing
Um...i was wondering, lets say that Halo takes place in 2590 and theres a Fanon article thats a War that also takes place in 2590...will that article get NCF'd? Just asking.

Nope. Because most of the established canon in from 21XX-2553, the year 2590 is free for any fanon writer to occupy. — Nanosoldier

Sorry i meant Halo 4. Unsigned comment by LoyalHaloFan (talk • contribs). Please sign your talk page posts with '~~~~'.

Aye, I'm an editing noob. Can anyone tell me how to put a photo in an infobox? From what Ive seen, people type:

|image={{image name}}

How do they do this? When I type it l, it just says template or something. HELP!


Hi, I have seen your articles and...well I feel like "mother of god", really spectacular Universes (specialy infinityverse, [...])...well greetings from Spanish Halo Fanon :)

Espartannoble6 ~ 21:53, February 23, 2012 (UTC)

Bronies, I am Proud[]

MorhekAll Things That Begin Must End
MLP Guide to Fanon and Fanfiction




*takes a bow* Thank you, I'll be here all week. 50px-Vena.png Sonasaurus | Talk Contribs 22:41, March 31, 2012 (EST)

Community messages box[]

Rsz acxbnf7
LoyalHaloFan — I know nothing
I don't know if this is the right place to post this but the community messages box is too big. I can barely see my articles because the box take up the entire left side of the page preventing me from seeing my writing. Is anyone else getting this???

Simple solution: Use Monobook :P 50px-Vena.png Sonasaurus | Talk Contribs 22:40, March 31, 2012 (EST)

Random question[]

Drop Pod by Volvo
Echowaffle8 - "Safety is our first priority"
TALK - {{{time}}}
Anyone need some Halo: Reach SPARTAN armor configurations that can take any form and can be put into various poses on various backdrops? I have a file I downloaded on Google Sketchup that allows me to create various SPARTANS in any configuration. I can even put attachments on helmets that the helmets never had on Reach. Leave me a message on my talk page if you're interested and/or just so I know people are looking at this.

Did you know...?[]

Hey I was wanting to add my 'did you know' to the thing, I was wondering how I did that? I was wanting to add 'Did you know... that John-117 was a paranoid schizophrenic?' --DC Ambrose (talk) 01:28, November 16, 2012 (UTC)

What do a I do in this wiki, I'm new here. Unsigned comment by Armordude91122cute (talk • contribs). Please sign your talk page posts with '~~~~'.


Noticed some grammar issues in the four pages thing (where we can go to EU, FotM, GA and the IRC) and saw some grammar mistakes. Namely the descriptions of FotM and GA, which both have the first letter of every word in the description capitalized. Unsigned comment by A Fellow Stalker‎ (talk • contribs). Please sign your talk page posts with '~~~~'.

Looking for Critique[]

I'm looking for some critique of my FAT (Flameslash's Adjusted Timeline) work. Can anyone have a look and post to one of the talk pages? Flameslash (talk) 19:50, November 24, 2013 (UTC)


Looking for critique on my articles. --~Ez' rathel 23:03, February 1, 2014 (UTC)


Is there many fan fiction wikis for other media? Unsigned comment by Tayd0gta (talk • contribs). Please sign your talk page posts with '~~~~'.

AhalosniperWho are we? Heroes? Monsters? Cowards?
That there are, one for just about every franchise you can think of. Halo even has two - Fan Fiction Halo being the other one. Or do you mean other media as in scripts or fan art, or something like that?

Can you do crossovers on this wkik? Unsigned comment by Clay of the mudwings (talk • contribs). Please sign your talk page posts with '~~~~'.

AhalosniperWho are we? Heroes? Monsters? Cowards?
Strictly speaking, no, as spelled out in our rules, but some elements, if done well enough, manage to get a pass.

Page resources?[]

I'm new, and I'd like to make a page, but I don't know how to make those box-things I've seen on the side of pages and wondering if there was a widely suggested one for things like human military vessels? And perhaps a guide on how to make the stats reasonable. o-o --EclypseDusk (talk) 02:24, March 3, 2015 (UTC)

Ajax 013 - <Death to Heroes>[The Damned] [The Lost][The Forgotten] ObscurumVictoria
TALK - Greenwich Mean Time
Template:Ship Infobox is what you're looking for. Most of us use canon ship statistics to figure out sizing.

System Infobox?[]

Sev40 - Do you know the difference between an error and a mistake, Ensign? Anyone can make an error, Ensign. But that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it
TALK - 17:48, Wednesday, February 19 2025
Hey guys. I was wondering if there is another System infobox on the wiki? I've found one by Nicktc but it displays empty tables as well.

If not, how hard is it to create another one? Where do I go to create a new one?

Brodie-001The Demon - The Fighter - The Fallen - The Survivor
It's a little basic, but you could use the Stellar Infobox ifor something like this.

Sev40 - Do you know the difference between an error and a mistake, Ensign? Anyone can make an error, Ensign. But that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it
TALK - 17:48, Wednesday, February 19 2025
This will suit my purposes just fine. Thank you!

How can I create a page?[]

Want to create a couple pages about my custom Spartan and Team - Unsigned comment by CaptainRicko (talk • contribs). Please sign your talk page posts with '~~~~'.