Halo Fanon
Oddball Infobox-1-
Terminal This fanfiction article, Scorpion Assault Vehicle Engineers, was written by Ajax 013. Please do not edit this fiction without the writer's permission.
Scorpion AVE
Production information

Chalybs Defence Solutions


Assault Vehicle Engineers

Technical specifications
Maximum acceleration

0.5 meters per second squared

Engine Power

12 cylinder engines generating 1500 HP.


Heavy duty Titanium-ceramic plating with layers of AEGIS, laminate, carbon fibre and heat resistant materials. Non-Explosive Reactive Armour have been added also.

Sensor Systems
  • Target Acquisition and Designation System, Driver Night Vision System
  • Motion Trackers
  • Millimetre Wave RADAR
  • GPS
Targeting systems
  • Multispectrum Optical Sensors
    • Optical
    • UV
    • Thermal
    • Night Vision
  • Laser rangefinder
  • SATCOM Uplink
  • Driver
  • Gunner
  • Commander


  • Infantry Support
  • Engineer Transport
  • Mine Layer
  • Demolitions

Necros War


United Nations Space Command


"I have never seen a obstacle than stop my tank, short of a mountain. Maybe they should make a drill attachment to fix that as well?"
― Anonymous AVE engineer.

The M820A Scorpion AVE (also know as the 'Jack' and phonetically the 'Avee') was designed as a 'Jack of all trades' in engineering/sapper work. It is designed as a breacher vehicle, attacking and breaching enemy minefields and fortifications in order to clear a path for friendly forces. There are G5 Scorpion, Easy Eight Scorpion, and M820 Scorpion variants of the AVE.

For its role, it carries a heavily modified turret. The standard 150mm cannon is replaced by a 190mm mortar, designed to level buildings and fortifications at up to 2000 metres. The raw power of this cannon can quickly clear obstacles, including bunkers and tank traps. On each side of the turret it carries a mine clearing charge, allowing it to clear long corridors through minefields. Like all Scoprion variants, it can be equipped with dozer blades, mine ploughs, and rhino horns, and can also carry small cargo loads, with equipment for trench clearing, or disabling enemy defences. It can also carrying bundles of expansing fascine rods that it can launch into ditches to allow itself, and following tanks, to following.

It also carries on board equipment for cutting granite, steel or drilling along with armoured explosive storage compartments.


UNSC Remarks[]

Ground Vehicles of the UNSC

Scorpion & Variants
Heavy Tanks
Warthog Knight FAV family

Warthog FAV | Warthog Knight LRV | Gauss Hog LAAV | Rocket Hog LAAV | Guard Hog Crusader | Warthog Assassin RAV | Razorback LTV

Warthog Troop Transport | Tread Hog DTV | Warthog Medical Vehicle | Warthog Ammunition Carrier | Spark Hog MEWS | Fire Hog CB-RADAR| Warthog Recovery Vehicle | Warthog Flatbed Truck | Comm Hog | FIST Hog | FAC Hog | Storm Hog | Heat Hog

Unified Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle
Rapid Armoured Carrier

Sidewinder RGC | Adder RRV | Viper RPC | Rattlesnake RAD | Python RATV | Boa RMV | Anaconda MCV | Asp RAV

Personnel Carriers

Pangolin JPV | Echidna JSV | Hedgehog JMV | Saiga FOV | Armadillo PTT | Porcupine MRTT

Mastodon APC | Mastiff ISV

Bison APC | Bison Ambulance | Bison Command Vehicle | Bison Repair Vehicle

Crocodile IFV | Crocodile Command Vehicle | Crocodile Recovery Vehicle

Springbok APC | Oryx MICV | M480 Oryx Battle Command Vehicle | M482 Oryx Engineering Support Vehicle | M483 Oryx Fire Support Vehicle | Aardwolf ADS | Hyena CSV | Wildcat FCV

Armoured Fighting Vehicles

Cougar AFV | Tigrillo AMC | Cheetah LAAD | Margay MAV

Lynx F-AFV

Utility Vehicles

Mongoose ATV | Momgoose HATV | Gungoose ATV | Meerkat LATV | Jackrabbit LSV | Fennec LSV | Fox SRTV

Tapir LSV | Antelope MSV | Buffalo ETT | Impala HTT | Yak HTU | Ox HVT | M808 Mule Unified Payload Transporter | Wildebeast SHSV

Tenrec ASV | Muskrat HASV

Otter ATAV | Beaver HATAV

Sika HSV | Sambar RSV | Muskox AAC

Bobcat Command Vehicle | Tanuki DCV | Skunk CBFOS | Badger ASRS

Gopher ACT | Serow HBV | Platypus PS

M63 Okapi LTC | M77 Giraffe HDCU

Ibex MPTV | Snow Cat AT | Snow Leopard HAT | M903 Goanna Heavy Duty Rig | | Rover EEV | Ranger LEEV

T-31 Aircraft Tug | R-12 Motorised Cart | S-2 Traxus Cargo Transporter | VC-81 Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Vehicle


Moa LRW | Gyges ATLL | Wolf ATAAS | Mule Cargo Loader | Cyclops HAS | Mantis ADS | Colossus ADS | Talos ABS

Artillery and Anti-Air

Wolverine SPAAA | Genet MRAAD | Aardvark HAAD | Pallas ASIV | Sun Bear C-RAM

Axis HELL | Diamondback MADS |

Addax AMC | Bombardier SPMA | Kodiak Heavy Artillery

Firefly MLRS | Racoon HIMARS | Fossa BMS | Dhole SSMS | Mammoth MAAWPS/UH

Elephant and variants