Halo Fanon
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Terminal This fanfiction article, Nogoda Yugo Husgoa, was written by Sev40 and Shivly. Please do not edit this fiction without the writers' permission.
Nogoda Yugo Husgoa
Biographical Information
DATE OF BIRTH February 3rd, 2534
Physical Information
SPECIES Lekgolo (Mgalekgolo subspecies)
GENDER Hermaphrodite
HEIGHT 38.7 meters (127 ft)
EYE COLOR Green (Artificial Lens)
Political/Military Information
  • Large-scale destruction
  • Engineering
  • Strategy and organisation
RANK Scarab
BRANCH Covenant Army
"I will not be threatened - those that desire otherwise have little time left to live."
― Nogoda Husgoa, to Jul 'Mdama.

Nogoda Yugo Husgoa (Oracle Code: L3-M0909-192) was a rogue Mgalekgolo collective which operated a modified Type-47B 'Deutoros' Scarab chassis throughout the Human-Covenant War and the years beyond. Known for its fearlessness and a sliver of ambition unheard of in Lekgolo, Husgoa would prove to be a dangerous asset to all the Covenant remnants it served beyond its simple destructive potential.

Created in 2534, Husgoa would be pressed into combat within the Arprir Legion, serving faithfully with them in a number of battles from the Fall of New Harmony to the Battle of Circumstance. It proved vital in a number of battles thanks to its bond with with fellow Scarab Oyiya Yugo Yopki, Husgoa would never be recognised for its accomplishments. It would remain content with this status quo until Yopki's destruction during the Battle of New Jerusalem, driving it temporarily insane during the subsequent fighting. Taken out of combat as it became impossible to control, Husgoa would undergo psychological trauma that permanently changed its mindset. Going rogue during the chaos of the Great Schism, Husgoa would later resurface as an ally of Jul 'Mdama, inspiring countless Mgalekgolo fighters to rally under his banner.

Table of Contents
  1. Biography
    1. Commissioning and Early Life
    2. Fall of New Harmony
    3. Siege of New Bastogne
  2. Physical Attributes
    1. Personality
    2. Skills
    3. Warframe Specifications
      1. Layout
      2. Armament
      3. Defensive systems
  3. Relations
    1. Oyiya Yugo Yopki
    2. Wot Drapta
  4. Gallery
  5. List of Appearances
  6. Notes


Commissioning and Early Life[]

"You two have a great gift - a gift that the gods have given you to make you better then any scarab this foundary has ever created. Don't waste it."
― Lekgolo Tamer Wot Drapta

Nogoda Yugo Husgoa was 'born' from the split of the ancient Lekgolo gestalt of Daxoyo Goski, a large bio-mechanical collective that resided in the upper atmosphere of the Lekgolo homeworld of Te. Commanding one of the eel's habitation platforms, Goski was secretly a member of the Lekgolo Independence Front, an organisation which was dedicated to leaving the Covenant out of the reason of frustration and oppression occurring with few benefits outside of trade. Goski was highly influential in this circle, even speaking on High Charity. However, it would eventually be betrayed by one of its own, who accused - and provided proof of - that Goski was devouring the metal of Forerunner artefacts. As a result, Goski was criminalised with the charge of heresy and sentenced to the immediate division of its colony. Deported back to Te, Goski was flooded with thousands of new Lekgolo eels until it reached critical mass and painfully divided into Nogoda Yugo Husgoa and Oyiya Yugo Yopki.

Nogoda Untamed
Once divided, the young Husgoa was little more than an animal that needed to be tamed.

However, as with all Lekgolo gestalts, Husgoa suffered complete neurological break-down and had to be domesticated. Isolated from its bond-brother, the San'Shyuum Wot Drapta had the two new Mgalekgolo collectives isolated from each other and began to educate them, adjusting the environmental conditions to reward or punish it. However, this would immediately encounter problems - the two had an obsession with trying to meet up with each other, their bond proving too strong for Husgoa to listen. Fortunately, Drapta would persist and eventually get Husgoa to listen to their lessons. The lessons and punishment would see it become dismissive towards all lower species, although ironically Drapta would see the two Lekgolo gestalts as her sons. Eventually, after three years Drapta agreed that their combat and loyalty had advanced to a point where they would be ready for deployment. Before they left for High Charity to receive their combat-suits, she gave them a little speech - a speech that Husgoa elected to ignore.

Arriving at the mobile planetoid safely encased in shielded storage containers, Husgoa was stunned to see how many other aliens actually existed - a thought which disgusted it. Taken to the Tertiary Assembly Forges, the young Lekgolo collective was injected into the suit and meet its combat crew, with an ambitious Sangheili tank master named Lovo 'Zugram being brought aboard. Ignoring the need to shake the insects off its hide, Husgoa learned that it would be assigned to the CCS-class battlecruiser Damnation and Glory, where it was going to meet up with its first military force - the Rag'Seer Warrior Crèche.

Fall of New Harmony[]

"My first battle? It is, what would the fleshy heretics call them - 'a tug-of-war campaign'. Shells rained upon my own shell, and I crushed the corpses of the Hegemony and opposition alike - it was nothing I had experienced before. It showed me how much I need to relish the fighting."
― Husgoa, when asked about his first battle.

The Yugo bond-brothers' first taste of combat would come a few months after they were conscripted, with the discovery of humanity's colony of New Harmony. The fleet effortlessly broke through the defending UNSC fleet, sending them scattering and leaving the planet ripe for invasion. Eager to establish a base-of-operations in hopes of accrediting glory across his fleet, the fleetmaster, an inexperienced strategist by the name of 'Ursounee, authorised the deployment of the Scarabs. Husgoa and his bond-brother were launched into the sea and proceeded to march their way to the planet's primary military base. Tanking shots that would have otherwise been directed to the dropships, the scarabs would remain visibly unscathed as they brought down the protective walls, and proceeded to demolish the entire base.

Thanks to the twin Scarabs, the base's destruction meant that the UNSC's ability to locally resupply their armies was crippled. However, a significant portion of their reserve units had already left the base prior to the arrival of the first Covenant ground troops, which led to the remaining fortifications being significantly reinforced. As a result, Husgoa's attached Legion was ordered to conduct a pincer campaign to cut off the twin cities of Hraviadem and Tuxian from the rest of the planet. This was supposed to end with the scarabs taking the key Tritium deposit beneath the Outcast Preserve. Key bridges were hit, Hydrogen Stations were razed to the ground and major roads were permanently reinforced with deployable turrets, with surviving lances being recovered and were ferried to the staging point at the earliest opportunity. All the better for the scarabs, the UNSC task forces put together to stall them were no match for the firepower that Husgoa and its bond-brother had.

Lekgolo en la instalacion 04
Obscured by the thick mud and undetectable on infrared scans, Husgoa's underground attacks were swift and unpredictable.

However, news of the space fight would grow grimmer with the arrival of a UNSC task force and the Covenant armies were beginning to get demoralised, especially as the Legion thinned out the further they traveled. Sensing opportunity, two armoured brigades with air support were sent to prevent the Covenant force from outflanking them, which were later discovered two hours before they were due to be within firing range. As Husgoa's mech was bogged due to heavy rains, it would have left it vulnerable to the attack. In a surprisingly clever move, the commanding Ultras decided to release Husgoa from its shell, using the husk left behind as a makeshift base that would be quickly abandoned. In the ensuing battle, the uncaged Lekgolo would instil fear and paranoia, destroying or disabling nine tanks while improvised explosions, carefully chosen last stands, and artillery fire from Oyiya destroyed seventeen more. By the time Husgoa reentered the chassis, the UNSC force had already taken 50% casualties, with only 19% of the force they originally set out with surviving the encounter. While heavily suppressed, stories of worms engulfing entire tanks would be secretly spread around by servicemen, conveniently leaving out Husgoa's injuries and the destruction of 95% of the Covenant force.

The outer suburbs of Hraviadem were hit the worst from the Covenant's attack.

In the wake of the UNSC's defeat and the arrival of the final reinforcements from orbit, the Legion would receive troubling news that the fleet was almost destroyed in orbit. In spite of their injuries and need to rest, the commanding Sangheili Major known as Orau 'Morrevee was given orders to assault the port-city of Hraviadem, as the UNSC's total space superiority would likely see the remaining Covenant forces picked off with precision MAC and missile strikes. As a result, the five-week-long battle would see the heaviest and tightest fighting of the entire campaign. Directed towards what remains of the outer suburbs, the Scarabs were ordered to cause as much destruction as they possibly can. Tens of thousands of homes even suspected of housing humans were reduced to ash, with the spaceport being utterly levelled to deny the UNSC most of their logistic trucks and pelicans. As it pushed on towards the city centre and the streets grew narrower, Husgoa discovered it was far easier and more rewarding to tunnel through skyscrapers, using them to shield it from bomber strikes. All this would see the divided defenders being systematically purged from the city; so effective was this campaign that by the time the fleet returned from K7-49 to enact retribution from its destruction that only a few pockets of resistance were left.

In the end, it was all for naught. Despite the great gains made by the Covenant ground forces, the fleet proved repeatedly unable to stop Rear Admiral Danforth Whitcomb's from gaining the upper hand. In response, the fleetmaster gave an interesting order; he ordered his few remaining SDV-class heavy corvettes to conduct a cloaked evacuation, with the field masters being ordered to go on the defensive. The Scarabs were crucial to preventing the Covenant forces from being overwhelmed at key junctions, although Husgoa itself had to be forcibly dragged by gravity tether off the planet's surface.

Siege of New Bastogne[]

Physical Attributes[]


Like most of its species, Husgoa was a being of few words who preferred to limit its interactions with what it believes were 'inferior species,' which constituted all species except AIs and other Lekgolo. Despite this, Husgoa's dealings showed it was willing to negotiate with those who commanded a significant level of influence, speaking in short, curt sentences to get it over quickly. It chose each word carefully, reeling back its apparent xenophobia that accompanied its every action. It had an extreme hatred of Huragok which saw it attempt to wipe them out at every opportunity, which was born from its jealousy at how easily they could interface and repurpose technology. However, when it wasn't being xenophobic, Nogoda actually enjoyed its job, happily hissing away when it does a particularly large amount of destruction, for example. It even seemed to joke with its bond-brother Yopki in an alien language few others could converse in, let alone comprehend.

In the years following the loss of its bond-brother at New Jerusalem, the Scarab suffered from an incredibly dangerous bout of grief. It wasn't just instinctively hostile to every lifeform that it touched; it was actively cruel and vengeful. Every attack it launched as a collective was designed to cause as much suffering as possible, as if Husgoa personally blamed them for Yopki's loss. It even went so far as to attack other Lekgolo, with only feral collectives being spared assuming they gave Husgao a wide berth; likely because as mere animals there would be little satisfaction to be gained. For as violent as it was, and it rightfully earned its barbaric reputation among human colonists, it was not totally mindless. In its lairs were long, rhymic patterns that could be ignored as natural phenonemon. These were actually poems that spoke of loss and regret, the indivisible gulf of comprehension that laid between hiveminds, enigmatic, and congruent species, and even philosophical questions about religion. Certainly, as Jul 'Mdama proved, it could be reasoned with if approached in the right, careful manner.


As expected, Husgoa was a terror to behold on the battlefield. While not as adaptable as regular commando units, Husgoa knew that its brute strength was more than capable of razing entire cities to the ground. It knew how to cover its vulnerable sections with its environment, such as using its main armaments to rip up the ground beneath it or bring down immense skyscrapers to create hills of debris to protect its legs. It also learned how to sustain itself, where it directed individual eels to recycle its armour or shed it to maintain its suit's structural integrity. Its awareness of its weaknesses and need for self-preservation was thus particularly dangerous even by Scarab standards, which could see it crush infantry attempting to board it by shedding and self-destructing isolated circuits.

Uniquely, Husgoa demonstrated a unique ability to detect faint traces of organic particles and electromagnetic energy in the air. While Thrakalekgolo were capable of magnifying this trait enough to be their primary way to track prey, it is an extremely rare occurrence in other gestalts. Although nowhere near as useful as sensors, it did allow Husgoa to occasionally detect infiltrators that have evaded all other means of detection within a short range around it, especially if they are wearing sufficient electrical circuitry. Specific regions of its body could have this ability enhanced by Husgoa increasing the concentration of its Lekgolo eels within it.

Next, and this was only when Yopki was alive, was the special bond Husgoa shares with it. Yopki and Husgoa's bond was identical to the bond Mgalekgolo forms share. Whenever one was threatened, the other fought as hard as was physically possible to reach them, even taking near-fatal shots. For this reason, Husgoa's commanders exploited this ability by deliberately deploying them far away from each other and moving one into danger, ensuring that maximum damage was being done where it needs to be. Unfortunately, during these rampages, the Scarabs do not care about nearby friendly infantry, and commanders could find themselves being blown apart by a rogue focus cannon blast.

Warframe Specifications[]



Defensive systems[]


Oyiya Yugo Yopki[]

Scarab Walk

Wot Drapta[]

"I have prepared you the best I can for the world out there in the pitch black of space and War. You will fight the Demons and the infidels who cower behind them, even if I do not get the chance to walk the Great Journey, I hope you get that chance. As your 'mother,' I will always be the first to have believed in you."
― Drapta's final words to Husgoa.[1]

The San'Shyuum responsible for preparing Husgoa for military campaigns, Drapta was a motherly force that Husgoa tolerated more than any other alien. As a scientist who specialised in Lekgolo, she had an unusual interest in the species; however, it wasn't until she was brought in to train Husgoa and Yopki that she felt a motherly love towards them. She believed that her assignment with them was a gift brought to them by the gods, and often did her best to pass on advice or tactics even in fields she had no knowledge of. She knew of each intimate quirk of her 'sons', always knowing that Husgoa stood taller while Yopki slacked downwards, and that Husgoa's intimidating growls were unique to it alone. She even taught them a line of secret commands that the two Scarabs would respond to, including a combat move that would see the Scarab 'jump' and spray the area around it with its focus cannon.

Unfortunately, despite what Drapta says, Husgoa shared no love for her. Drapta occasionally used her authority to interfere with military operations when it exposed both Husgoa and Yopki to excessive danger - danger they were designed to overcome. This, along with her constant patronising, annoyed Husgoa to no end, and as a result, it tried to continuously keep moving away from her. The only reason it'll listen to her at all was because it associated her with pain, always remembering the gruesome punishments she inflicted on it during the taming process. Husgoa angrily dismissed her supportive comments and on more than one occasion attempted to shake her off. Turning off its sound sensors did not work as Drapta knew how to forcibly keep them on and knew exactly when the Lekgolo hivemind deactivated them. Despite this, she knew that it relished the combat and worked hard to ensure that the Covenant empire would not forcibly retire her 'child', which became a very real threat after Husgoa developed bloodrage-sickness after the death of Yopki. This was the only thing it would ever thank her for, and it would do this only fleetingly and regard it as little significance.


List of Appearances[]


  1. Special thanks to Distant Tide for the quote.
