Halo Fanon
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Tag: Source edit
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body.page-Main_Page .WikiaPage {
body.page-Main_Page .WikiaPage {
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border-radius: 8px;
-o-border-radius: 8px;
-o-border-radius: 8px;

Revision as of 23:55, 19 August 2020

/* BEGIN Wikia.css */ 

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/* END Wikia.css */

/* Title Hack */
#title-meta i {
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/* Eraicon Hack */
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/* Pop-up remover: defunct */
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/* Profile redesign */

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/* Hidden features */
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/* Poll styling */
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background-color:#6C93B1 !important;
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border:1px solid #004A7F !important;
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/* Decoration */
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/* Search Box */
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/* Bottom toolbar style */
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/* History Comparison */
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/* File Page Style */
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/* Customtable definitions */
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.collapseButton {
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}				/* Show/hide button *
.navbox-list {
border-left: 0px !important;

/* Profile redesign */

.UserProfileMasthead .masthead-info .tag {
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/** leave third color stop transparent for the transitions to be visible. If transitions are not used, use #666161 instead of transparent **/
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.WikiaUserPagesHeader .tabs,
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/** Tabber, customised styling **/
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/* Highlight design by Sonasaurus */
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