Halo Fanon
Terminal This fanfiction article, Humanity, was written by EvenManatee887. Please do not edit this fiction without the writer's permission.

A tense silence filled the dull grey and featureless room. In it were two figures, one clad in black and white camouflage armor and cradling a dented, cracked and overall ruined helmet in his right arm. In front of him sat an older man, wearing a standard officers uniform as he looked down at the datapad in front of him, impact sounds and dull thuds sounding from it. Putting the pad down, the officer sat for a moment as he tapped his finger against his forehead, looking up at the armored man he began to speak.

“Spartan-G276, I take it you realize why you’re here?” the officer asked, his english accent becoming clear.

The spartan stood silently but shrugged his right shoulder and the helmet beneath it. After a few moments of no response the officer sighed and looked the spartan dead in the eye before speaking again.

“Final Mission report, Operation: FIFTH COLUMN” the officer boomed

After a few more minutes with no response the officer stood up

“That’s an order Spartan!” the officer boomed, his irritation beginning to seep into his tone as he stood up from his seat.

Silence overtook the room once again as the spartan shifted in discomfort. After a few more moments he began to speak, a dark tone tainting his words.

“Yes Sir, at 0600 hours I was inserted via Winter-class Prowler…”

The ship shuddered around him as it entered the atmosphere of Korisnaksa for the last time. For Lyzander-G276 however, it was a bittersweet occasion. Over the last three years he had been on the ground, gathering intel, conducting recon and getting close to the Sakan clan under Kaidon Ferras’ Sakan. A month ago he had earned himself an audience with the Kaidon after aiding his clan in defending their territory from the Prophets Will, one of the number of warring Covenant splinter factions left in the wake of the Great Schism.

Despite the fact he was a spartan and his training to fight them, Lyzander had become close to a number of families in his time on Korisnaska. In particular he had become what could be considered friends with a family which he helped dig out from the rubble of a battle. As he thought back to the time he had spent on the planet, he unconsciously held the White Scar, the Kaidon had gifted to him.

His remembrance was broken as the ship shuddered once more, landing in a narrow gap between two large rock formations. His last mission, as it stood, would also be the largest contribution he could give to the Sakan Clan. Intel suggested that there was a Keep hidden somewhere in these mountains which was supplying insurgent activity against the Kaidon and his clan, cutting it off would see them be able to begin fortifying their own lands and soon push back against the other factions.

“Alright Annie, I’m all set, pop the hatch” Lyzander called out via his comms to the ship's Captain.

“Your waypoints will update automatically so we can keep comms chatter to a minimum, we’ll be going glass till you get back. Good hunting Lyzander.” Called out the Captain as Lyzander walked down the ramp and watched it go back up into the now invisible ship.

Looking around he was surrounded by the familiar dry and rocky terrain as he had experienced elsewhere in the territory, as it stood his waypoint directed him towards a large valley crossed by two bridges.

Within an hour he had trekked across the rocky terrain and was at the edge of the valley, looking down into the gorge it became evidently clear that he wasn’t getting across, so instead he made his way towards the right bridge. As he neared it however he heard the distinctive whir of a Specter nearing, looking around he considered his options and made for the underside of the bridge. In his haste however he caused a series of rocks to tumble from his position, alerting whoever was above him as he held onto the stone struts. Hearing the heavy footfalls through the stone he swung his legs up to better hide himself as the large boots of sangheili warriors came into view only feet away from him.

The moments which passed felt like ages as his muscles strained keeping his whole body flat against the bridge above him, waiting for the noises above to fade. Carefully lifting himself up, taking a moment to look around, he climbed out from under the bridge and onto the barely noticeable path left by the convoy. Checking his waypoint markers, he noticed that he was to follow the same path left by the convoy or try and make his way over the large rock formations around him, while he did this however he missed the slight imprint of smaller feet on the ground around him.

“After another hour of climbing I reached the ‘target’ and proceeded to complete the mission as instructed” Lyzander finished, a twinge of discomfort at the word ‘target’.

“Is that so?” the officer picked up as he turned his datapad towards Lyzander.

After a moment of buffering a video began to play, what Lyzander recognized as his helmet cam shortly before he detonated his charges. He looked away as the scene played clear as day in his mind.

Having planted the last of his charges on the main assembly vats and generators, Lyzander had made his way to a high perch, well outside the blast radius and overlooking the Keep.

“This part never gets old” Lyzander thought to himself as he took out his detonator as he radioed the ship to prepare for evac.

“Glass House, this is 276, I am heading back…now” Lyzander drawled until he heard the first explosion.

But that wasn’t the end.

As soon as the first explosion tore through the air, shaking the Keep, so too did a plethora of screams and cries from inside the Keep. However, rather than the typical male Sangheili roars a series of higher pitched and almost squawk like sounds came through, sounds which he knew all too well. The color drained from his face as the sounds of the explosions became drowned out by the sight of the few running out the front of the Keep.




Lyzander watched in stilled horror as his handiwork came into full view, blue flames of plasma explosions and oranges of fire from thermobarics tore through the roof, windows and doors. While the few who escaped were sent reeling by the explosion, Lyzander was unmoved, watching in silence as a plethora of vehicles and warriors flooded towards the Keep, trying to search the rubble.

The final blow to him was the appearance of a series of light blue and purple vehicles, the kind used specifically by the Kaidon and his clan. Unconsciously Lyzander began to shakily step back but stumbled and fell, knocking him out of his trance. Looking around panickedly he began to realize the depth of what had happened, his body meanwhile seemed to have a mind of its own as it tore a path over the rocks and hills back to the ship.

Nearing the ship his comms buzzed to life, his mind not registering it as he stopped in front of the ship and waited for the ramp to lower.

“Saw the light show from here, Ly. Always a pleasure to see a master at work” Annie complimented.

At the lack of response she asked again.

“Lyzander? You alright?” she asked, a tinge of worry in her voice.

Still no response, she heard the thud of his boots as he walked up the ramp and she immediately called for the medic to head to the troop bay with her in tow.

The sight which greeted them however was a far cry from what they or even Lyzander expected of himself. As the doors slid open, they were greeted by the spartan as he beat his already dented helmet into the sides of the bay, breaking seats and soon shattering the visor. Within seconds the doors were sealed and locked by the Captain as the sound of something hitting them rang through the ship.

“Your behavior is concerning to say the least Spartan” the Officer said as he stopped the video at the moment before the helmet was completely broken.

“And given how talkative you’ve been today I'd rather save us both some time and tell you that as of now you are off the field, psychological leave until you can be cleared” the Officer continued, pausing to gauge Lyzanders reaction.

“Everything we do, we do for the greater good, regardless of what that entails. You knew that when you started this, Spartan. Humanity has to come first.” the Officer finished as he stood and began to leave.

“At the cost of our own?” Lyzander spoke up as the officer was stepping out.

“Yes” he said simply as he walked out.
