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Nominations MUST follow every requirement set forth in this section HERE, refusal to do so will result in your nomination being removed from consideration. To submit an article for candidacy in the Good Articles project, please use the format seen below:

===[[ARTICLE NAME]]===
*'''Writer —''' {{Name|USERNAME}}
*'''Nominator —''' {{Name|USERNAME}}
*'''Date of Creation —''' Month Day, Year
*'''Date of Nomination —''' Month Day, Year
*'''Description —''' Describe the Good Article candidate in an effective way with as few words as possible.
*'''Why —''' In your opinion, why should this article be granted the honor of Good Article status?
*'''Status —''' The present status of the article as a Good Article candidate (FOR JUDICIARY PURPOSES ONLY!)




Mobile warfare[]

  • Writer — Ahalosniper
  • Nominator — Ahalosniper
  • Date of Creation — February 22nd, 2021
  • Date of Nomination — January 23rd, 2024
  • Description — A topic article covering the subject of walking vehicle-based warfare up to the mid-26th century, pulling disparate canon elements together alongside real-world examples to create a roughly cohesive subject history, including Covenant usage and general doctrine.
  • Why — This is probably the driest article I've ever written here, and should be drier were I approaching something like wikipedia's standards for a topic article of this type. But, if we're here to enjoy reading, it ought to be a bit more exciting than the research I had to do for this page. Mobile warfare is an experiment in article style to bring a long-present but long-overlooked element of the Halo universe to the forefront as canon has started to introduce it more and more. From the Scarabs being present as early as Halo 2 to the drive-able Mantises of Halo 4 and 5--and our site's own EU project with an emphasis on giving everyone their own private mech--walkers are establishing themselves, and I hope mobile warfare getting some kind of cohesive expansion as a concept encourages people to go further with characters who have their own custom-tooled giant robots to stomp around in.
  • Status — GA status granted.

Voting (Success)[]

  1. Support Support — On first vote, I'm going to remark my support for the article as more so a contribution of communal necessity as subject matter articles like Mobile warfare are far and few between but gives Halo Fanon writers a roadmap on how to proceed with their own projects, whether following or diverging in their own views of writing mech warfare and walker articles/stories on the site. We've been far and few between on mech-related lore as of late so its a welcome addition, I can only hope that it has extended relevance into the future. I will note I will like a bit of blanks pace between the writer template and the paragraph below it as a personal nitpick but that's just Tide being Tide. Grammar and spelling are largely up to snuff as with most-all Sniper's works after so many years with Halo Fanon and the GA board, content was a little more predictable than expected but covers a great deal of summary and interlinks lore with modern reality while alluding to themes and tropes from the modern mecha/military walker genre while staying a little on the more practical side: "more Starship Troopers, less Gundam," might be a good way of describing things. I would've liked more speculation on Sniper's content admittingly but overall, in terms of a reporting piece he assimilates much of the canon around mechs and intersplices some minor fanon elements closer to the end bringing the work together. I think this qualifies in favor for 2024's first Good Article contender. I'm hopeful for a speedy turnaround on qualification and hopefully more writing from the community involving big stompy robots. - Distant Tide: Hunter - Killer
  2. Support Support — A love letter to a genre of fiction I've come to greatly enjoy in recent years (along with half of the wiki it seems), it should be no surprise that overall I found this to be an enjoyable read. As a veteran contributor to the site, one would certainly hope that ASniper's spelling, grammar, and formatting would be top caliber stuff, and it certainly is (aside from one of the images getting pushed over to the side by another image on the same side when the article is expanded out, at least on my main monitor, but trying to format an article around a potentially infinite variety of screen and window sizes and aspect rations is never going to be perfect). My main complaints would be that I'd like to see more discussion of the tactics involved in walker combat, as the doctrine section does a lot to overview of the capabilities unique to walker vehicles, but provides fairly scant details in regards to when and how those capabilities are put to use. It'd also potentially be nice to see Sniper attempt to address some of the other problems unique to walker vehicles, such as ground pressure or the strain on the pilot caused by the repeated heavy impacts of a walker's footfalls. Also, we need some mechs with jump jets. DemonsofHope »Anonymous ONI agent« [COMMS] [SERVICE RECORD]
  3. Support Support — Not a ship or a character article, but it is a much needed step in a different direction. Sniper does an excellent job by expanding upon a warfare strategy and making it simple. History, evolution, and advancements are all wrapped up in a neat bow without a dreadful list of acronyms and references to modern-day defense doctrine. It's a fun article and a breath of fresh air from many we have seen developed over time. Has my vote. ThePeteFiles (talk) 01:14, 27 January 2024 (UTC)
  4. Support Support — Sniper would not be my first guess for a user who would write an article like this, and perhaps that's why he's able to lay out a more technically inclined subject so accessibly. The sudden prevalence of mechs in the Halo setting is a fun development and as per the other votes this article lays a great foundation for future collaboration and innovation. Actene: Heaven and Earth


Tuka 'Refum[]

  • Writer — Actene
  • Nominator — UnggoyZealot
  • Date of Creation — January 13, 2011
  • Date of Nomination — September 16, 2024
  • Description — A humble yet devout Sangheili companion to Simon-G294 who stayed true to himself, even in death.
  • Why — Nominating another person's article for GA is new territory for me, but after a thorough readthrough of Tuka 'Refum, the first thing on my mind was "Why the hell isn't this a Good Article?" The story of Tuka is an intriguing one - he doesn't have that main character syndrome that a lot of others have, yet still manages to prove himself a compelling character. When I first read about him years ago, I thought him as nothing more than a sidekick to some of Actene's bigger characters, but after reading H&E and seeing the work that Actene's put into his article over the last year, I can confidently say that he's one of my favorite characters in the site's Dramatis Personae. (Plus his article is more or less complete so that's a bonus).
  • Status — GA status granted.

Voting (Success)[]

  1. Support Support — Meets length, image, and convention requirements. Tuka's role in Actene's stories has grown since his introduction (how many timelines ago?), and I put that down to his part in exploring themes and repercussions of faith in adverse conditions. Tuka lives through the Great Schism and downfall of the Covenant, is surrounded by both bitter cynics like Simon and willful manipulators of faith like Jul 'Mdama and Diana, and yet chooses to put his energy into the tasks which faith points him toward. Foremost of these is a devotion to his friendship with Simon, trying--often in vain--to steer him toward benevolent ends, but it's also responsible for his ending up in the Kru'desh Legion during a tribunal for heresy and motivates him to try and better the Legion for his comrades' sake once in it. He's kicked around so often the reader can't help but sympathize each time he signs himself up for the next crushing disappointment. It's interesting for the reader to consider whether the rewards he earned in life and beyond were worth the strife he invited upon himself, and if an article on this site can force a reader to do a little bit of reflection, I'd say it's worth featuring as a Good Article for a wider userbase to read. That Damn Sniper 01:25, 23 September 2024 (UTC)
  2. Support Support — I have to agree with Sniper here. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article from start to finish. I think Tuka is a very compelling character, who faces much adversity and strife during his life during the Great Schism, and beyond into the world of renegades, false prophets and vagabond pirates. What i think stands out from other pages is Actene's development of Tuka's journey - rather than being one of simple improvement, Tuka is forced back again and again, he makes bad decisions, befriends the wrong people, and that is what makes his arc so rewarding - because you see him die as he has finally become the person he wishes to be. He conquered the past vendettas against him, he refused to let himself be beholden to his brother, Diana, or anyone but himself - his loyalty to Simon and those he can trust is solid, rewarding and, ultimately, honourable. Tuka is one of my favourite characters on the wiki, because he's incredibly well-written, likable, and an alien in a sea of human personas and characters. Actene did a bang-up job, and I believe that this page deserved to be a Good Article because of it. TheAussie1417 16:47, 28 September (AEST).
  3. Support Support — Tuka 'Refum has played a secondary role to the adventures of Simon-G294 but never second fiddle, with a unique story all his own and a pivotal role in a grander story. The last couple years has been a boon to his character and article on the site as he played a particular role in the events of the Heaven and Earth trilogy. Tuka is a little light on pictures but that's never been a heavy determining factor for a Good Article award, in fact its played a minor role overall. When looking at Tuka, you can really see how Actene's overhaul of the article displays the best of his character writing and mission to focus only on the character in his article. Plentiful uses of quote templates to let pivotal moments and character moments entice readers back to the source material, summaries of events in Tuka's biography do not overstay their welcome and form a manageable cohesion of content. I can't see any reason to turn it away, Tuka gets my vote! - Distant Tide: Hunter - Killer
  4. Support Support — Not much to say here that hasn't already been said by the others; this is an exemplary article in all respects, though it could perhaps benefit from an additional image or two. DemonsofHope »Anonymous ONI agent« [COMMS] [SERVICE RECORD]


Alpha Company[]

  • Writer — S-D379, Falkeno
  • Nominator — Falkeno
  • Date of Creation — November 9, 2018
  • Date of Nomination — December 31, 2024
  • Description — A detailed page dedicated to the first company of the Spartan-III program
  • Why — Possibly my best article I've ever worked on to date, that has pulled together bits of lore from across the site to make a unified story for the previously unloved Alpha Company in such a way that it leaves room for people to slot in their own characters with little to no fuss.
  • Status — GA status granted.

Voting (Success)[]

  1. Support Support — A very good article, deserving of the AA it won this year. However, I have a couple issues with the nomination overall. The first would be that on some of the paragraphs, it seems as though they repeat what was said a sentence before, only reworded. The worst offender to me seems to be the paragraph on Pierce, however it does occur several times throughout the rest of the article. Not a big problem, but something that could be good to go through and weed out. My main issue, is the self-nomination. I'm not one to deny a well-written article when I see one, however I feel as though ultimately other people should nominate the works of others, rather than self-nominating. This is a personal gripe, and one I'm willing to let slide - because ultimately it was not the exclusive work of Falk, as CB contributed greatly to the project also. If it wasn't a collaborative project, however, I doubt my vote would have been to support it. Nonetheless, a good article deserving of praise, even if I disagree with a self-nomination. TheAussie1417 (1658, 9th January 2025, Central European Time)
  2. Support Support — Self-noms are fine in my book, as goodness knows it's hard enough to get anyone to read anyone else's work at times, as evidenced by Fanon of the Month lacking for nominations and votes frequently. But, back on topic. Falkeno's not kidding when he says he's pulled bits of lore from across the site. Heck, I hadn't even known about the VARANGIAN Project until it was linked here, and that's been lurking in the backlog of slowfuture's old collabs with bygone site users forever. I'd describe its expansion work as thorough, taking the opportunity even early on to delve into Ackerson's mindset when getting SPARTAN-III off the ground. Contemporary events are called on during training, in addition to making mention of individuals and their misadventures which reflected on the company as a whole. And I've called out the extension into Alpha's deployments beyond what I could do with Gamma in my AA votes. There are a few words reused in neighboring sentences now and again, but nothing that's troubled me enough to consider that fine-toothed a comb going over it ahead of a GA confirmation--goodness knows I've done that. S-III superiority endures. That Damn Sniper 06:22, 14 January 2025 (UTC)
  3. Support Support — As per Sniper and Aussie. A well-thought out expansion on Alpha Company that delves into some of the more interesting details surrounding initial S-III training. As Sniper commented, I see no issue with self-nominations made in good faith, as this one certainly was. Actene: Heaven and Earth
  4. Support Support — Right so I'll be our minimum third vote of support, Alpha Company has already struck big by winning at the Annual Awards of 2024. I don't see many issues in regard to the article, its a great summary of past Halo Fanon works involving Alpha Company and a testament to Falkeno and DecryptedPixel's imaginations. I like the addition of training courses and expansion on some of the community fanon conclusions of lore: Mamore being a sandbox of forever wars, the suffocation in space among orphanages choked by orphans of glassed planets. I don't have much else to add, good work guys. - Distant Tide: Hunter - Killer
