Greetings and joyful salutations! Welcome to Justanothergrunt's Actene's Sonasaurus' Brodie-001's Distant Tide's Ahalosniper and UnggoyZealot's Survival of the Fittest, where the denizens of Halo Fanon pit their creations against one another for fun until a single victor remains! Seeking to answer the time-honored nerd question of "who would win in a fight", SotF enters the myriad participants in a last-man-standing deathmatch outside the regular flow of time, space, and canon. Around almost as long as the site itself, SotF allows new and old users to see others write about their characters in an unbroken string of action sequences (usually ending in their grisly deaths).
Survival of the Fittest Season 8 is currently ongoing, and can be read by following the link at the bottom of the page. Additionally, established users may volunteer as guest writers to pen a few posts in the season as their time permits by getting in contact on the hosts' talk pages within the same timeframe as character submissions.
Season 8 Rules[]
Submission Guidelines[]
- Users may submit up to 5 characters for the season.
- Character submissions must have an article or Minor Characters page entry linked to reference. The article should not have any outstanding issues present (such as NCF or other site policy templates) or be marked with the Humour template.
- Character submissions must be from a canon species.
- AI and Forerunner ancillas are permitted, though what means are available for them to combat other participants may be up to the writers. They may be intentionally paired off against other AI-type characters, or given automated defenses or other measures to engage physical opponents. This will not affect the odds of a combat's outcome.
- Weapons and Equipment included in your character submissions should be something they might typically carry into combat or for defense. Likewise, they should be canon or fanon equipment with articles of their own for reference. Scarab guns (unless your character is an actual Scarab) and HAVOKs are out.
- Look forward to your characters' deaths. Only one comes out of this at it's end. The vast majority will lie in the corpse piles, but you'll get to enjoy their struggle against it. Your character will die, but what sort of death will it be?
Writing Guidelines[]
- Each post will include two or more characters in combat. The survivor of these conflicts is determined randomly, most often by a simple coin flip. The relative power a character of their type should have over another is not considered for this purpose. A Grunt with a Fuel Rod Gun might just be lucky enough to kill multiple SPARTANs—that's part of the fun of SotF.
- Writers will read the Personality, Traits, or equivalent section of the article (if present) for characters they write for to attempt an accurate characterization. Though encouraged, they are not required to read through the entirety of the article. Many on Halo Fanon are several hundred thousand bytes, and previous seasons have seen over a hundred characters submitted.
Guest Writers[]
While this season is being written primarily by Ahalosniper and UnggoyZealot, other users are invited to volunteer to guest write a few posts if they have the time and interest to dedicate. Posts will be offered out as the narrative progresses, and assigned to those who have the bandwidth to quickly write up a post at that time. The guest writer will be provided with two (or more) participants, join the runners in using dice to determine a victor, and be loosed to write out the events in accordance with the Writing Guidelines above. If you'd like to take part, feel free to add your name below!
- slowfuture
- Distant Tide: Hunter - Killer
- AlphaBenson
⟨ Creatures of my dreams Raise up and dance with me ⟩- Sonasaurus
Previous seasons[]
- Season 1 (2007-08) [COMPLETED]
- Season 2 (2008-09) [CANCELLED]
- Season 3 (2010-11) [CANCELLED]
- Season 4 (2012-13) [COMPLETED]
- Season 5 (2014-15) [CANCELLED]
- Season 6 (2016-17) [COMPLETED]
- Season 7 (2019) [CANCELLED]
- Season 8 (2024) [IN PROGRESS]
- Season 6.5 (April Fools 2019) [COMPLETED]
- Treaty Day (2024) [IN PROGRESS]