Request for administrator: ThePeteFiles |
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I, Distant Tide, nominate ThePeteFiles for administrator on Halo Fanon.
Nominee, please accept or defer the above nomination below this line.
Reason for Nomination[]
I'm not an admin, I don't really know what it takes to be an admin outside of private and public observation of veteran admins for Halo Fanon - a status that has rarely had turnover in people for a good half of the wiki's existence. Getting some new blood in the leadership is something to honestly consider and among the most prominent and engaged I think is ThePeteFiles. While he joined only a year behind me at Halo Fanon, I think remarks that were made about me within a year of joining Halo Fanon that I seemed to be very tapped into the community and the going-ons for Halo Fanon have a point of merit in that I do think and act like a site veteran in more ways than one. I've been reading Halo Fanon since at least before AAO's closure and I made an attempt to join the site at an earlier date. I am as much a well-blooded Halo Fanoner as it gets and I think in that way, Pete is better suited than myself for key leadership of the site.
His tenure as Site Patroller is shorter than mine and still has room to bring a new voice to the site leadership that someone like me who is well-ingrained in the leadership sphere can't provide. Pete is also a man of detail and discipline that I don't see often in people. He loves to research, he loves to problem-solve and when he has a target, he goes after it with a ferocity that I can only hope to ever match. This quality is an excellent tool for someone who might not have the solution to every issue the site might face but it is the means to search and seek the solution for the best of all that counts in my book. Pete is not only a good negotiator who commands the room when he is serious about a matter and with an ability to take his emotions out of an issue when balancing heated heads in our community. When we have issues with site troubleshooting or wikicoding, he'll have the ability and mindset to go and find the fixes needed to fill the gaps on the site. He makes an excellent site patroller, I can only imagine him being a great administrator as well.
Where I see and say are a lack of experienced or qualified individuals who'd fit the role of administrator for Halo Fanon with the right mix of dedication, familiarity, and creativity that will encourage and shepherd new blood into the site for years to come, Pete's name is always among the first to come to mind without a second beat. I think he'd make a spectacular admin.
Support (2/0) Sysop[]
Support — As per my nomination. Distant Tide: Hunter - Killer
Support — from what I have seen of Pete, he had a pretty level head on his shoulders, and is able to fix problems when they arise. Think he would make an excellent choice as an admin.Ado 'Ulamee
Neutral (2/1) Sysop[]
Neutral — I disagree with the rule of five that's been in place singe long before I came. I think that another admin wouldn't hurt, but my issues lie in Pete's time here. While it's true that he's a Site Patrol and a distinguished user, I feel like he doesn't have Tide's experience to match. I wouldn't say I oppose him becoming an administrator, but I can't full-heartedly support it either. UnggoyZealot
Neutral — I cannot bring myself to vote against Pete--he is a superb, long-standing member of this community who displays all of the qualities I wrote of when I nominated Distant Tide. I consider TPF to be among the best users on the site and when I weighed my options regarding a nominee for LOMI's replacement only Distant's seniority tipped the scales in his favor. Under any other circumstances I would support and welcome Pete's elevation to administrator. However, at this time I feel that the number of administrative positions held prior to LOMI's retirement fits the community's needs in proportion to the site's relative activity. I firmly believe an administrative leadership role on this site lies in TPF's future and hope to revisit this nomination when another administrative vacancy opens—or a burst in site activity necessitates an additional administrative role. Actene: Heaven and Earth
Against (3/2) Sysop[]
Oppose — While I completely agree with Tide's assessment of Pete as a valued contributor to our site and its community, I'm going to have to vote against Pete's nomination at the moment on the grounds that we simply do not need more than five administrators to run the site; the recent RfA for Tide was made in part to replace the recently-retired LOMI and bring the Administration back up to 'full strength' with a good number to handle the community and make any decisive votes on its direction without risk of a tie. 「 Brodie-001: Finished the fight」
Oppose — TPF's contributions speak well of him; he regularly votes on FOTM (even I don't do that reliably), and he engages with new users on their talk pages to try and help them get their pages in line with our canon rules. I think TPF would make a great administrator, but five has proven the right balance for the admin team to prevent deadlocking votes and covering site projects, and Distant has the longer track record. If I suffer a tragic isekai inciting incident or something, I think he'd be the one to look to for a replacement, but I'll not give up all this corruptive power so easily yet. So what I'm saying is TPF is the kind of admin the site deserves, but not the one it needs right now. That Damn Sniper 00:42, 13 May 2021 (UTC)
Oppose — Think Pete has the capability to be a good admin, but quite simply with Tide's election a certainty at this juncture, the site will have a full crop of admins. I agree with ASniper, when the next admin stands down, Pete is the first choice. slowfuture (Talk) (Contribs) 09:42, 13 May 2021 (UTC)