Halo Fanon

Dramatis Personae is an administration project conceived of and spearheaded by Actene. Put simply, the project aims to gradually catalogue all of the various characters on the wiki. This will not only improve the experience of anyone wishing to browse the wiki's vast collection of content but will also provide more publicity to articles and authors that might otherwise be lost in the thousands upon thousands of pages that have accumulated on the site.

The character catalogue can be found here.


Dramatis Personae is intended to be a long-term project that will grown and develop over time. As such, its format and methodology are bound to change as the catalogue swells. However, the base guidelines are as follows:

  • All characters on the wiki meeting the minimum requirements are eligible to be indexed by the project. Any user who for whatever reason does not wish to see their characters featured may contact Actene on his talk page.
  • Any user is free to contribute to the project, provided they follow the format set by the project. However, once a character has been entered in the project the only users who can edit that entry are members of the wiki administration and the author of the article in question.
  • Although Dramatis Personae aims to catalogue all characters on the wiki, a certain amount of content is necessary to create a sufficient entry. Thus, there is a minimum size of approximately 1000 bytes per article.
  • This project is meant for characters only. Thus, only articles describing a single individual are eligible for entries.
  • Pages with unresolved NCF or Grammar tags are not eligible for entries.
  • The purpose of Dramatis Personae is to provide a positive environment for anyone to browse wiki content. It is not meant to judge the overall quality of any article. Thus, descriptions of articles will remain generally neutral in tone. Descriptions that demean the article or the articles of others will not be allowed.


Dramatis Personae will be organized alphabetically by the first letter in the article title. The format for each entry is as follows:

====[[ARTICLE NAME]]====
*'''Writer —''' {{Name|USERNAME}}
*'''Date of Creation —''' Month Day, Year
*'''Awards —''' Any wiki awards or recognition the article has accrued. For articles without awards, this section will simply be filled with "N/A"
*'''Description —''' A brief description of the character and a summary of their biography. This section will be limited to two hundred and fifty words maximum.

If a picture of the character is featured on the article, it may be included alongside the entry.
