Mythic Article of the Year: UNSC Eidolon by Ajax 013, Distant Tide, and ThePeteFiles
Legendary Article of the Year: SPARTAN-B240 by Delta Pistol
Heroic Article of the Year: Daniel Contreras by Delta Pistol
Best SPARTAN of the Year: SPARTAN-B240 by Delta Pistol
Best UNSC Personnel of the Year: Daniel Contreras by Delta Pistol
Best Covenant Character of the Year: Tero 'Kanay by Ado 'Ulamee
Best Third-Party Faction Character of the Year: Ragna Aasen by Actene
Best Vehicle of the Year: UNSC Eidolon by Ajax 013, Distant Tide, and ThePeteFiles
Best Technology of the Year: Personal AI (AJAMS) by Distant Tide
Best Event of the Year: Fall of Reach (TheAussie) by TheAussie1417
Best Location of the Year: Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science by Distant Tide
Best Organization of the Year: Commune of Kropotkin by slowfuture
Best Concept of the Year: Resolution 9065 ships by Auguststorm1945
Best Canon Expansion of the Year: Fall of Reach (TheAussie) by TheAussie1417
Best Collaboration of the Year: New Colonial Alliance by slowfuture, Distant Tide, and DarthNicky
Best Novel of the Year: Halo: Kill House by Actene
Best Short Fiction of the Year: Diminish Hope by AlphaBenson
Best Writer of the Year: Delta Pistol
Breakthrough User of the Year: TheAussie1417