Mythic Article of the Year: Halo: SIGMA by Brodie-001
Legendary Article of the Year: Soul Ascension by Actene
Heroic Article of the Year: Bulwark by Navisiul97
Best SPARTAN of the Year: Loic-D066 by Spartan-D042
Best UNSC Personnel of the Year: Alexander Redford by Brodie-001
Best Covenant Character of the Year: Bulwark by Navisiul97
Best Third-Party Faction Character of the Year: Siscand by LoyalHaloFan
Best Vehicle of the Year: Soul Ascension by Actene
Best Technology of the Year: SSA352 Universal Combat Rifle by Timothy Emeigh
Best Event of the Year: 2543 UNSC Montana fire by Eaglestrike210
Best Location of the Year: Athena by The Sagemaster
Best Organization of the Year: Theban Commonwealth by DarthNicky
Best Concept of the Year: Aug-boxing by Kojima sama
Best Canon Expansion of the Year: Marathon-class heavy cruiser by Falkeno and Sev40
Best Collaboration of the Year: Tooth and Blade by LegendOfElTopo and Navisiul97
Best Novel of the Year: Halo: SIGMA by Brodie-001
Best Short Fiction of the Year: Halo: The Red Future by slowfuture
Best Writer of the Year: Timothy Emeigh
Breakthrough User of the Year: Eaglestrike210