Mythic Article of the Year: Halo: Heaven and Earth/Book Three: Heaven and Earth by Actene
Legendary Article of the Year: Bodark-B076 by EvenManatee887
Heroic Article of the Year: Halo: Stolen Gauntlet by Ahalosniper
Best SPARTAN of the Year: Bodark-B076 by EvenManatee887
Best UNSC Personnel of the Year: Aniela Kasowska (TPF) by ThePeteFiles
Best Covenant Character of the Year: Zil 'Kanayee by Ado 'Ulamee
Best Technology of the Year: VK78 patrol rifle by Distant Tide
Best Vehicle of the Year: DOR-class fleet carrier by Pejorative Contingency
Best Event of the Year: Battle of Briar by Ahalosniper and Ajax-013
Best Location of the Year: Derelict B42 by Kojima sama
Best Organization of the Year: Far Harvest Legion by Distant Tide
Best Concept of the Year: Halo: Stolen Gauntlet by Ahalosniper
Best Canon Expansion of the Year: VK78 patrol rifle by Distant Tide
Best Collaboration of the Year: RP:Imperium/Content/Part Two by Brodie-001
Best Novel of the Year: Halo: Heaven and Earth/Book Three: Heaven and Earth by Actene
Best Short Fiction of the Year: Rasq Writes: Should Mothers Bury Their Sons by Quirel
Best Writer of the Year: Spartan-D042
Breakthrough User of the Year: Kojima sama