Mythic Article of the Year: Halo: Heaven and Earth/Book One: New Heaven by Actene
Legendary Article of the Year: Callum-B042 by Spartan-D042
Heroic Article of the Year: Halo: Warhunt by UnggoyZealot
Best SPARTAN of the Year: Callum-B042 by Spartan-D042
Best UNSC Personnel of the Year: Viktoria K. Bradford by Distant Tide
Best Sangheili Character of the Year: Felo 'Ranak by Brodie-001
Best Third-Party Faction Character of the Year: Elena Zaytseva by Timothy Emeigh
Best Technology of the Year: ENTERPRISE-class Mjolnir by Distant Tide and Lieutenant Davis
Best Vehicle of the Year: Dynasty by Brodie-001
Best Location of the Year: Furthest Point by Distant Tide
Best Organization of the Year: UNSC Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance by Delta Pistol and EvenManatee887
Best Concept of the Year: Halo: Warhunt by UnggoyZealot
Best Canon Expansion of the Year: Asymmetrical Action Group by Delta Pistol and ThePeteFiles
Best Collaboration of the Year: RP: Imperium by Brodie-001
Best Novel of the Year: Halo: Heaven and Earth by Actene
Best Short Fiction of the Year: The Continued use of Smart AI in UNSC Service by Timothy Emeigh
Best Writer of the Year: UnggoyZealot
Breakthrough User of the Year: ThePeteFiles