Mythic Article of the Year: Melissa McKay by Sonasaurus
Legendary Article of the Year: Saulosian by Another Poetic Spartan
Heroic Article of the Year: Special Proficiency, Assault, Recon and Tactical Augmented Nonconventional-force, Fourth Generation Program by Ajax 013
Best SPARTAN of the Year: Doug-103 by Stellar Elite
Best UNSC Personnel of the Year: Melissa McKay by Sonasaurus
Best Sangheili Character of the Year: Stel 'Vadam by Stellar Elite
Best AI Character of the Year: Juno by Actene
Best Third-Party Faction Character of the Year: Jonathan Watts by Minuteman 2492 and Ahalosniper
Best Unaffiliated Character of the Year: Winston Zhou by Brodie-001
Best Starship of the Year: UNSC Resurgence by Athena32
Best Planetary Vehicle of the Year: M324 Self-Propelled Artillery by Lieutenant Davis
Best Technology of the Year: M84B Dire Wolf All Terrain Armoured Assault Suit by Ajax 013
Best Location of the Year: Anios by Kenny0731
Best Organization of the Year: Special Proficiency, Assault, Recon and Tactical Augmented Nonconventional-force, Fourth Generation Program by Ajax 013
Best Species of the Year: Saulosian by Another Poetic Spartan
Most Unique Concept of the Year: Halo Party Time by Brodie-001
Best Canon Expansion of the Year: Melissa McKay by Sonasaurus
Best Collaboration of the Year: Halo: RED FLAG by Brodie-001 and Stellar Elite
Best Novel of the Year: Halo: Shrike by Brodie-001
Best Short Fiction of the Year: Halo: Pursuit by Spartan 501
Best Alternative Fiction of the Year: Halo Wars: The Great War by Samdoo
Best Writer of the Year: Stellar Elite
Breakthrough User of the Year: Samdoo