Mythic Article of the Year: David Kahn by Actene
Legendary Article of the Year: Shinsu 'Refum by Actene
Heroic Article of the Year: Rebeka Juhász by Laconia
Best SPARTAN of the Year: Vinh-030 by Ahalosniper
Best UNSC Personnel of the Year: Rebeka Juhász by Laconia
Best Covenant Character of the Year: Shinsu 'Refum by Actene
Best AI Character of the Year: Cortana by Tuckerscreator
Best Unaffiliated Character of the Year: David Kahn by Actene
Best Starship of the Year: Bow-class corvette by Athena32
Best Planetary Vehicle of the Year: M77D Mantis Light Assault Walker † by Ajax 013
Best Weapon of the Year: MA5B assault rifle by Anonymous ONI agent
Best Technology of the Year: Mobile Joint Objective Light Nonstandard Individual Role Powered Assault Armour Mark VII by Ajax 013
Best Event of the Year: Beta Taurius II Campaign by Anonymous ONI agent
Best Location of the Year: Praesia by Brigadier Kygro
Best Organization of the Year: Spartan Enclave by Laconia and Tuckerscreator
Most Unique Concept of the Year: Spartan Enclave by Laconia and Tuckerscreator
Best Canon Expansion of the Year: Daisy-023 by Laconia
Best Collaboration of the Year: Red vs Blue: Revolution by Sonasaurus
Best Novel of the Year: Duties and Desires: Part 2 by Sonasaurus
Best Short Fiction of the Year: Stories from the Sigmaverse by Brodie-001
Best Writer of the Year: Actene
Breakthrough User of the Year: Brodie-001