Mythic Article of the Year: Mobile warfare by Ahalosniper
Legendary Article of the Year: SPARTAN-A064 by Delta Pistol
Heroic Article of the Year: Alpha Company by Falkeno and S-D379
Best SPARTAN of the Year: SPARTAN-A064 by Delta Pistol
Best UNSC Personnel of the Year: Scott Edwards by AlphaBenson
Best Covenant Character of the Year: Tuka 'Refum by Actene
Best Vehicle of the Year: Noryang-class carrier by TheAussie1417
Best Technology of the Year: Mobile warfare by Ahalosniper
Best Event of the Year: Earth Sustained Defence Campaign by TheAussie1417
Best Location of the Year: Camp Currahee by Ahalosniper
Best Organization of the Year: Alpha Company by Falkeno and S-D379
Best Concept of the Year: Halo: Pugilist by S-D379
Best Canon Expansion of the Year: Camp Currahee by Ahalosniper
Best Collaboration of the Year: The Adventures of Mylu and Vaz by Sonasaurus and Voidlazarus
Best Novel of the Year: Halo: Kill House by Actene
Best Short Fiction of the Year: Bloodsport by Actene
Best Writer of the Year: TheAussie1417
Breakthrough User of the Year: Voidlazarus