Halo Fanon
Forums: Index Unrealism
Note: This topic has been unedited for 5797 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

Now following the success of the God Modding policy, i'm going to throw in another thing, which really needs to be adressed. Unrealism. Now you may think that this is unescessary, as it may fall under the NCF or God Modding umbrella. Well infact there is a small amount of articles, which aren't GM and just about not NCF, but terribly unrealistic. Like the Colt M1911 .45 pistol. So what do people think? If this isn't as important as GM or NCF and people don't feel that it needs a guide then say so. However that's what we thought about God Modding! Anyway, i'm going to do the smae as last:

1.Listen to ideas

2.If all goes well:

3.Template creation

4.Guide creation

5.Extra things

All of this will contribute towards the Halo Fanon super guide, which will be made soon. However more on that will be stated at the time! So what do people think about this one?

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What is it about my guide, that everyone wants for their own!? Anyone can edit it!--The Evil O’Malley 19:13, 5 June 2008 (UTC)