Halo Fanon
Forums: Index There's a First Time for Everything
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Lordofmonsterisland — There are... no strings... on me...
Now, don't kill me for suggesting this, but... I think I ought to request administrator rights once again.

Now, I know what the question is. Why? I just gave them up in November, right? That I'm afraid was a much needed break. Due to various factors, I felt like I had spread myself far too thin and wasn't able to fulfill my duties to the site as I ought to. However, giving myself some time to breathe and relax without feeling like I was pressured into anything has given me perspective and vision. For one, I now have a few ideas for content that, with any luck, I'll either write myself over the next few months or integrate into some of the new projects I keep seeing talked about.

But the other thing is both what I'm doing more of and why I feel like I need admin again. I joined the clean-up project, and in essence I've since took over it; Auguststorm was helping, but the sheer size of the page has now made him incapable of aiding me. More than that, the other admins are either slow at work on helping with the clean up or not participating. This isn't a critique on their work though, as they're doing what they can do to their best while I'm with this: however, I feel like I ought to be able to move forward in some portions of this project without having to wait on the other admins for aid. As such, I need the additional powers of admin to help with article deletions and delete-move combos.

So, TL;DR, I feel like it would be appropriate for me to be the all-powerful janitor. Questions, comments or enraged screams?

UNSC navy2
Athena32"Chase us all the way to hell, you bastards."
I would support seeing you back as an administrator. You've certainly put a lot of time into janitorial duties over a sustained period, and you've already proved yourself mature and trustworthy enough to be an admin (and a bureau) in several years of past service. Firm support for this.

AhalosniperWho are we? Heroes? Monsters? Cowards?
Likewise. The wiki clean-up would be going absolutely nowhere without your diligence in completing the task. I've taken part in conversations where some of us concurred that it was likely you'd be re-elected at the next administrative review. Because you could make good use of the capabilities right now, however, I think it would be appropriate to give you the equipment that would make what you're doing a million times easier.

As said on the IRC to him, I agree he should regain his administrative capacity, but in a janitorial role and should he come back to good activity levels in terms of writing articles, I would support him to become an official administrator again. Joshua (Talk) (Contribs) 18:13, May 6, 2014 (UTC)

Ajax 013 - <Death to Heroes>[The Damned] [The Lost][The Forgotten] ObscurumVictoria
TALK - Greenwich Mean Time
Nah, I'm pretty sure HBad tried to do this before. So no, not the first time =P

SonasaurusTrust is to know. Faith is to believe
Spartan laser

I'm all for this. I've observed you working hard in moving the clean-up forward while I've been occupied with a number of other things. Not to mention there's no reason to distrust an administrator who ended his term on good terms and continues to contribute regularly to the wiki.

Lordofmonsterisland — There are... no strings... on me...
Thanks everyone! I appreciate the support more I know how to tell you. Now, if you don't mind, I have some much needed work to do :D