Halo Fanon
Forums: Index The Fire and the Ashes
Note: This topic has been unedited for 2402 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

Ā§yzygy ā€” Is est meus melody , quod it's iustus a ravers fantasy
Hello. As most of you know me, I have always remained neutral no matter the circumstance. After the events that unfolded yesterday, I noticed how people were changing in the way they saw things. Curious, I decided to perform a little experiment. The experiment followed the actions of users to a newer user who had similar attributes to someone from this Wiki. This morning on the #halo-fanon IRC, I had generated a new user under the name of Remnant_Chaos. I posed as a new user who had come from a Halo Forum which had been through its own civil war, which caused him to come to the Halo Fanon Wikia. At first users I interacted with welcomed me with opens arms. But after a while, a fire began to spread which was based around the idea the I as Remnant Chaos was in fact a sock puppet for the now banned Meat and Taters user. After this accusation I was harassed by a certain member, which somewhat spawned a tremor in the way users looked at this new person. Throughout all of this, the only person who truly didn't think I was a sock puppet for M&T was SPARTAN-08BLAM! I was astonished that there was only one person who didn't judge based on similarities. Now had I never been a user of Halo Fanon until now, I would have been treated the same way as Remnant Chaos was treated. Before I ever came to the Halo Fanon wikia, I had been apart of a Halo Forum which did infact go through its own civil war. The same thing that happened there just about happened here. Some users decided they wanted to get rid of the old administration and elect new ones. The election would have been rigged so the old administration decided against it. The forum was split in two, the administration and their loyalists (me included) and the separatists who wanted power. After a war that lasted three weeks, the administration and it's loyalists decided it was in the best interest to delete the forum entirely. That was the day I became officially neutral. And now the way some of you act to new people who may have a similar story as ones who became banned from this wikia, I am almost in the position to leave Halo Fanon. I don't think I should be part of this community which judges so quickly.

Jawsredfield ā€” You Painter, You Stranger you Legend. Shine on you crazy diamond. Oh by The Way, Which one's Pink? They're gonna send you back to mother in a cardboard box. Wish you was here, just two lost souls in a fishbowl. I have become comfortably numb I'll See you on the Dark side of the moon All in All you were just bricks in the wall
So, What you did is you sockpuppeted? The reason why we thought it was a sockpuppet of M&T is that some people can act differently. So we did the best with the evidence at hand. And Creating a Sockpuppet is a bannable offence.

Tiwaz rune
Spartan 112 ā€” The Chosen, The Fated, The Enforcer, The Marine, The Officer, The Baron, The Mercenary, The Hero, The Warrior, The Champion
If I wasn't a part of the God's Judgement project with Davies, I would have left long ago. This community has disappointed me with their behavior.

Meat's gone. Theres no reason to continue talking about him. TheBoxlessSignature

Jaws, Syzygy was merely using a false username on IRC; he did not sockpuppet. --//Out of the Darkness// //Into the Light// Devil Savior Traitor Destined Doomed Uncertain Insane Grieved 21:23, 16 May 2009 (UTC)

Ā§yzygy ā€” Is est meus melody , quod it's iustus a ravers fantasy
I had also placed content on the User:Remnant Chaos to further expand the plausibility of a new user. LOMI, you can delete it whenever your ready. I have finished my experiment.

Jawsredfield ā€” You Painter, You Stranger you Legend. Shine on you crazy diamond. Oh by The Way, Which one's Pink? They're gonna send you back to mother in a cardboard box. Wish you was here, just two lost souls in a fishbowl. I have become comfortably numb I'll See you on the Dark side of the moon All in All you were just bricks in the wall
I also don't like being a Test Subject.

Ā§yzygy ā€” Is est meus melody , quod it's iustus a ravers fantasy
Neither do I. But had I warned someone, I would have gotten different results from the experiment.

o_O you created an account when you already had one...thats sockpuppetry, whether for a purpose or not.


Unfortunately, he's right. Sorry Syzygy, but according to the rules (I think) it's an automatic day ban for you. --//Out of the Darkness// //Into the Light// Devil Savior Traitor Destined Doomed Uncertain Insane Grieved 21:46, 16 May 2009 (UTC)

Ajax 013 - <Death to Heroes>[The Damned] [The Lost][The Forgotten] ObscurumVictoria
TALK - Greenwich Mean Time
We asked who you were, you said a new user, that be socking, that's a bannable offence.

Ā§yzygy ā€” Is est meus melody , quod it's iustus a ravers fantasy
I know the rules. I put up with them for 3 years. I'm not saying I shouldn't be banned for it, I know I should, but what I'm trying to get across is, this community is slowly falling apart. (My last edit by the way)

I'm not exactly an active user here, but I feel I need to put my two cents in. I'm going to call him Synergy because I have trouble reading his name, but he makes a valid point. If he had been a new user, he would have felt like an outcast and hated, when he had done nothing wrong, because you all reacted violently to him. And when he reveals this, what do you do? You react violently. Whether or not you ban him, you must realize he makes a valid point, and your reaction only makes it a better example? MasterGreen999 20:32, 19 May 2009 (UTC)

"Throughout all of this, the only person who truly didn't think I was a sock puppet for M&T was SPARTAN-08BLAM!"
― Syzergy's

Not much to say... but I am appalled by this statement...- 5əb'7aŋk(7alk) 21:03, 19 May 2009 (UTC)

Ajax 013 - <Death to Heroes>[The Damned] [The Lost][The Forgotten] ObscurumVictoria
TALK - Greenwich Mean Time
Basically, you made a sock puppet, then you were horrified and appaled that it was treated like a sock puppet? I don't paticularly get it. Also, since you love finding loop holes and gaps in the rule set, I'd thought I'd take the time to note this. Halo Fanon Sock rules note a one month minimum ban for socking.

While I do not agree with breaking the rules to make a point, Syzygy does prove something interesting. What if it had been a new user, and you treated him like a sock? He would probably be pretty hurt, and you would lose someone that could've contributed well to the wiki. And to all of you: remember that all of you have been new users once, and think about how'd you want to be treated if you were new. Would you want to be accused of sockpuppettry just by making an account and chatting a little on IRC? I doubt it. I'm not trying to protect Syzygy in any way; he breaks the rules, he gets a ban, that's how it is, I'm just saying he's making a point, whether we like it or not.

ē„”問锌 Ų§Ų³ŲŖŲ±Ų®ŁŠŲŖ Ī‘Ļ€ĪæĪ»Ī±ĻĻƒĻ„Īµ

I agree that I have seen a certain amount of fractures within the community as a result of this "war", and I have been worried that both sides of the conflict overstepped their stated goals in their attempts to end it favorably. However, I feel that this experiment was both innacurate and morally wrong. In order to satisfy his own curiosities, Syzygy knowingly created a sockpuppet, made some edits to further the deception, and then logged onto the IRC and lied to fellow users. While this in and of itself is bad enough, he neglected to consider the fact that it had only been a few days since Meat & Taters was banned. With tempers and nerves still running a little high, the results of the experiment cannot be considered accurate depictions of how this Wikia's members would greet a new user, especially since he claims that only one person actually harassed him. The fact that he has proceeded to create what is essentially a copy of Halo Fanon that is run by both himself and M&T does little to help his argument. This issue was not worth either this experiment or this new Wiki. If he was concerned with the direction this Wikia was going, he should have posted a well-thought out argument on the Forum in an effort to change it. Instead, he intentionally broke the rules just so he could post a fiery speech in which he accuses the Wiki of "judging too quickly" without realizing that he himself was judging as well. The rules of this Wiki are not hard for a sensible person to follow, and they certainly aren't something that a user must "put up with". I'd much rather have an adminsitrator like Ajax who, while gruff at times, does not abuse his powers in any detectable fashion and does his best to keep things runnning smoothly rather than fiery speech-writers who seem determined to only see the bad things here. Actene: Heaven and Earth

  1. I'd like to note that at most times, new users are assisted, nurtured, and if need be "tolerated"
  2. As a side note, Halo Legends, if I'm not mistaken, was created by Syzygy/Kebath after the O'malley Incident

--//Out of the Darkness// //Into the Light// Devil Savior Traitor Destined Doomed Uncertain Insane Grieved 21:25, 20 May 2009 (UTC)

Ajax 013 - <Death to Heroes>[The Damned] [The Lost][The Forgotten] ObscurumVictoria
TALK - Greenwich Mean Time
Actene, I would like to thank you for that comment. Its hard enough helping administrate the wikia, only to be verbally abused for doing my job. And talking of the Malley incident, Kebath actually did the same thing there. I was forced to ban malley because of his inncessant personal attacks, most of which where latterly aimed at me for no paticular reason (and contrary to some counter claims, i did not purposesly search his comments for them, most were reported to me.). Now, the rules were quite clear on civilty. three strikes then you're gone. On his fifth (thats right, fifth) which was at the time, a two month ban because of a large amount of complaints from the community because his flaming was greatly admired at the time, he dieced to start ban dodging and was put onto a permenant ban. And Kebath complained. It seems to me, he complains for the sake of complaining, not as some kind of great political commentator or community revolutionary, just finding an excuse to find problems, specifically with the admins.

Lordofmonsterisland ā€” There are... no strings... on me...
He's slightly.... overzealous, shall we say, in jumping to the defense of someone that doesn't need defending

Guess I should've expected this...I was one of his better buds after all. But it's still hard to take that he'd go this far just to prove a point. And to then make a new wikia just because he doesn't like our well enough policies. Heck, he could at least have used the HGW wikia which is largely abandoned by now, and that he's an admin for already (including me), but he had to make Halo Legends instead. Anyway, can't we lock this forum now? this issue is getting tiresome. Cheers,

Survivor of the Old Guard

Tiwaz rune
Spartan 112 ā€” The Chosen, The Fated, The Enforcer, The Marine, The Officer, The Baron, The Mercenary, The Hero, The Warrior, The Champion
I agree with Matt here, lets leave this incident, and the M&T one behind us, its over and nothing will sway minds. Also how come I read LOMIs message in the Prophet of Truths voice?

Lordofmonsterisland ā€” There are... no strings... on me...
Well, the best way to kill it is to not mess with it; of course, should this come back up and devolve into a flame fest or something just above that, I'll be sure to deal with it quickly. And as for what you said S112, that's probably got to do with the fact that I was referencing him after a fashion: in Halo 2, he's talking to the Arbiter and says something to the effect of "the council was.... overzealous in their punishment"

Ajax 013 - <Death to Heroes>[The Damned] [The Lost][The Forgotten] ObscurumVictoria
TALK - Greenwich Mean Time
As i would say, let banned knaves lie, but he did say something interesting to me on IRC.
"It's notmy wiki any more, I won't abide by its rules"
― The user formerly known as Kebath who was formerly known as Syzygy

Since he doesn't come here any more, it means he can break the rules hwnever and however he wants. Interesting philosophy. Of cause, when i questioned him if i did the same on Halo Prison (Legends) he said it didn't work that way around :/