Halo Fanon
Forums: Index PAX Prime 2011 roster for Halo Fanon
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"PAX is 50,000 friends you never knew you had."
― HotSake
"The Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) is an annual gamer festival held in Washington. PAX was created by Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik, the authors of the Penny Arcade webcomic, because they wanted to attend a show that gave equal attention to video gamers, computer gamers, and tabletop gamers. No such show existed, so PAX was born."
Wikipedia article on the Penny Arcade Expo
PAX logo

Well it's that time of the year again. Time to scrounge some money together, plan a road trip or flight, book a hotel, and get your collective asses into Seattle, Washington for PAX Prime 2011! Also known as the "Penny Arcade Expo", no details yet have emerged about developers, celebrities, community sites and events, or what games are going to be there, but like every PAX, it should be one hell of a ride regardless of what shows up. Or you could go just for free and cheap swag/loot.

Anyways, i've taken it upon myself to get an idea of who has made commitments to go to PAX Prime this year, who's planning or considering going, etc. Right now, this sort of roster will be placed upon on both Halo Fanon and our sister site Halopedia. Hopefully, I can also get a good roster going on multiple sites, such as HBO, Waypoint Forums, Bungie.net Halo contingent, etc. so we can have a good Halo-based get together somewhere in the Emerald City.



Listed below are numerous links on what it is, how you can join in, what you should bring, when you should be there, etc. Of course, much more content will be released prior to the beginning of PAX Prime.


  • 3-Day Pass ($60.00 USD) - Recommended for best PAX Prime experience!
  • Day passes ($35.00 USD/each)
    • Friday (August 26th)
    • Saturday (August 27th)
    • Sunday (August 28th)

Hotel sharing

Similar to one of the forum links listed above, I thought it would be nice to have a Halo Fanon equivalent of the "Hotel Room Share Thread." While there won't be any sign ups here on this forum thread, feel free to discuss any of it below in the comments section or through the various forms of private messaging available to you. For security reasons, only those above the age of 18 are encouraged by the Administration to seek a hotel room partner. Halo Fanon does not officially endorse anyone person to bunk with. For quality information, use this template to submit to one another:

Date Arriving:
<br>Date Leaving:
<br>Spots Needed: List how many people will share the room, including yourself
<br>My Gender and Age: List your gender and age here
<br>Your Gender and Age: List the preferred gender and age of a room partner here
<br>Best Contact Method:

<br>Additional Notes: Any requests, recommendations, etc.


Only sign in one of the below fields if you apply. Be sure to add a bit about your pre-PAX activities, requests, etc. with the community.

Purchased a pass

For those who have pre-purchased or purchased a 3-day or single daily pass via the internet, etc.

  • CommanderTony Proud (future) owner of the 3-Day Pass.
  • Maslab - Got myself a 3-Day Pass. See you there, Tony.
  • RichardRHunt as of last night (May 3), has ordered a 3-Day Pass.

Planning and/or considering attending

For those who are planning to make the trip up to PAX Prime 2011 or have seriously considered doing so, sign below.


Please post any PAX Prime, Halo Fanon, etc. related comments below. Make sure it's at least five words minimum and sign your posts!

Batter Helm
RichardRHunt — Batter up!
I wish I could go, unfortunately the University of Utah's fall semester starts the week before :

GrizzleiYou Are What You Dare
I'm sure you could get away for just a few days, especially in the first few days of the semester. Just claim that you have a family emergency or something, it's not like they could care less about your education (that's on your own terms).

Another Poetic SpartanI am the arankaru or the broken mask to many.. My Blade can be your fall or your salvation However, my blade is a manifestation of my soul. Therefore, when I attack you, you will feel me in your being. When my true form is released. It is resurekushion or returning blade. Zangetsu remains in my heart. My shikai or initial form remains. Bankai is my final form unleashed. This will lead to the way of the Demon.
I would love to attend PAX and meet you guys. But it is too far for me and I am unable to scrouge funds for the event. (Just went to a Convention in Anaheim, California). But I do hope I can attend in the future and quite possibly be with you guys.

SonasaurusTrust is to know. Faith is to believe
Spartan laser

I might be getting a job over the summer, so if I could just find a way to convince my parents to take a vacation to Seattle with me in late August, and find them something to do for three days...It's near the end of my summer break, so I should have time.

GrizzleiYou Are What You Dare
Sona great news! However, if you do find something for them to do...I advise you to quickly buy your tickets. Penny Arcade suggested that their 3-day passes will be running out by sometime early next week.

SonasaurusBorn as equals. Raised as warriors. Die as heroes
Spartan laser

So what are some good tourist attractions in Seattle?

MaslabI am assuming direct control.I am the harbinger of your destiny.Preserve <insert name here>'s body if possible.Releasing control.
What isn't a good attraction in Seattle? There's the Science Center, Science Fiction Museum, Pike Place, Woodland Park Zoo, the Air Museum...

GrizzleiYou Are What You Dare
Also know that Vancouver and Victoria are just an hour or two drive or boat ride away, respectively. Plenty of additional great things to do there for your Canadian parents. :)

SonasaurusYou loved her. You always have
Spartan laser

Actually, my parents are pretty Asian. But I think they'll enjoy BC as well :P

MaslabI am assuming direct control.I am the harbinger of your destiny.Preserve <insert name here>'s body if possible.Releasing control.
3-day passes are gone as of the sixth.

SonasaurusBeing about to fulfill what we are duty-bound to is what makes us noble. Being unable to turn away from our deepest desires is what makes us human
Spartan laser

I'm actually not sure if I'll be getting a three-day pass. Maybe one or two days, since experience has shown the third day to be the least eventful.

GrizzleiYou Are What You Dare
That's what you think. :)

But anyways, get your Friday and Saturday passes QUICK. The 3-Day passes just sold out and the single day passes aren't too far behind.

RichardRHunt — Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brother... I hurt people
I'm glad I bought my 3-day pass when I did :)

MaslabI am assuming direct control.I am the harbinger of your destiny.Preserve <insert name here>'s body if possible.Releasing control.
I do have a spare 3-day pass that I will probably be selling...

Sonasaurus[Heroism] [Tragedy] [Survival] [Secrecy] [Vengeance] [Outcast]
Spartan laser

I'll consider getting it. But Tony's hint that 3-day events don't always suck had better be right :P

Let me guess, your bid is higher than $60 USD...

(How did you get a spare anyway?)

MaslabI am assuming direct control.I am the harbinger of your destiny.Preserve <insert name here>'s body if possible.Releasing control.
PAX is definitely worth the three days. I always end up missing the panels because I spend all day on the main floor.

Actually, I will either sell it for $60 to a friend, or I will put it up for auction.

(I bought it. Teehee)

SonasaurusWithin its barren layers, something has been held for aeons
Spartan laser

I'll take your word for it. But CAD is currently worth more than USD.

And by "how did you get a spare", I meant "why did you get a spare". Had a hunch about something, or was it a backup?

IsaacDKramer — Speak up. Your voice is muffled
"But CAD is currently worth more than USD."
― Sona

That may be true, but it's just barely, and most businesses in Canada will charge $10 USD for $10 CAD item as opposed to $10.39 USD. I'm not gonna speak for Maslab, or anything, but if I had a spare, I'd charge it for both $60 CAD and $60 USD.

MaslabI am assuming direct control.I am the harbinger of your destiny.Preserve <insert name here>'s body if possible.Releasing control.
Because I have a friend who may or may not be going to PAX.

SonasaurusBorn as equals. Raised as warriors. Die as heroes
Spartan laser

Ooh, there's a dilemma. I don't think I'll be getting tickets until your friend makes him his/her mind. Just in case.

MaslabI am assuming direct control.I am the harbinger of your destiny.Preserve <insert name here>'s body if possible.Releasing control.
That might be a while.

SonasaurusWe are not to be judged by those who precede us
Spartan laser

Got a problem. Can't go to Seattle. Lots of stuff going on this summer, the least of which is my parents getting a new house. Sorry :\