Halo Fanon
Forums: Index New Header Graphic
Note: This topic has been unedited for 2120 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.
AhalosniperWho are we? Heroes? Monsters? Cowards?
Greet'ns. So with E3 coming up in a couple months and Halo: Infinite likely among its offerings, it strikes me the site ought to be looking to the future a little, but our site layout includes this dated little snip on every page:

It makes me think of The Package, and for that it must pay. But also, we could probably use a new Header Graphic image to help keep the site hip with the kids these days. There are loads of images out there which would look great in that particular spot on our site, and to get a good range of images to choose from, I'd like to open up the list of possible replacements to suggestions from the community. So, similar to our Main Page banner Forum from a few years ago, we're requesting anyone with an idea for a new Header Graphic to submit what they think would work best!

A couple guidelines for what's fair game first:

  • Halo official art, game screenshots, and concept art are all a-okay.
  • Halo fan art submissions should be consulted with the original artist first. We don't want to represent our site with someone else's stolen work.
  • As per the old Banner Forum, third-party franchise artworks (other games, anime, live-action etc.) are inadmissible.

Now, about submissions:

  • Header Graphics are exactly 471 x 115 pixels; if you can crop and resize your submissions down to that size first, it would be much appreciated. Otherwise it will be cut down by myself to fit, and I may cut it in a way you didn't intend.
  • I will also test each image by uploading them to a Sandbox wiki and snipping a sample of what it will look like when applied.
  • Please limit yourselves to no more than two submissions for consideration.
  • Submissions will be open for one week, until Tuesday, April 23rd at 11:59 PM PST, after which will follow a community vote on the one most popular image to use.

Please use the following for submission format:

==={{Name|USERNAME}} Submission #===

See what you can dig up! And remember, we want something that'll make people think of Halo, its future, and characters they haven't read about before in the image that will be seen all across the site.


Ahalosniper Submission 1

Ahalosniper Submission 2

Timothy Emeigh Submission 1

Timothy Emeigh Submission 2

Distant Tide Submission 1

Distant Tide Submission 2

S-D379 Submission 1

S-D379 Submission 2


AhalosniperWho are we? Heroes? Monsters? Cowards?
Voting for the new Header Graphic is now open; registered users may cast one (1) vote each. Please use # to keep a numbered tally of votes for each submission going. Voting will run until Saturday, 11:59 PM PST.

Voting is now closed.

Ahalosniper Submission 1

  1. I like this one. Brodie-001: Finished the fight
  2. I'm Ajax, and I approve this graphic. <Death to Heroes>[The Damned] [The Lost][The Forgotten]|Deus Ex Ajax
  3. This one really gets me. Master Chief's helmet, from Halo Infinite no less, will really appeal to new users in my opinion. UnggoyZealot

Ahalosniper Submission 2

  1. This is the version I use personally, might as well vote for it. KOY-1150-5 - (Talk) - * KingOfYou115 throws a book at <insert name here>.
  2. Personally, I would like to step away from the Master Chief since the rest of the canon and series is focal to his narrative. I think color palette-wise, Sniper's choices pop better than mine, better than most of the other options. So, this my pick. - Distant Tide: Hunter - Killer
  3. I like the blue tint to this (even if it can be changed) and I feel that the Infinite one, even though it's good, is better suited for a lore wiki like Halopedia. The Spartans on the other hand symbolise users' characters for me, as well as the classic Reach-style armors. DecryptedPixel: Ignoramus Et Ignorabimus
  4. ThePeteFiles

Timothy Emeigh Submission 1

Timothy Emeigh Submission 2

Distant Tide Submission 1

  1. I liked the minimalistic take of this submission, and the background is also easy to make out through the buttons as well, which I think is an important consideration for a header graphic. Sev The past, the present, and the future.

Distant Tide Submission 2

S-D379 Submission 1

  1. LOMI Speaketh 12:43, April 26, 2019 (UTC)

S-D379 Submission 2


I put a little more time than necessary into tracking down and finding viable images. I'm not going to post more than what we have, however, depending on how this new Header Graphic concept works out - I was thinking maybe it would be possible to rotate images or run a random-generating image each time a webpage loads. These are just empty ideas at the moment but I do think, to explore, these concepts would be at least worth a try. - Distant Tide: Hunter - Killer

I've got a feeling that the site's CSS is hardcoded to allow this. I haven't yet seen a wiki have that image slot rotate from a randomly-selected pool. Sev The past, the present, and the future.
Yeah, you can't have a randomized header image. The code necessary to support it would have to already exist in the webpage, as all we can actually edit are the stylesheets. DemonsofHope »Anonymous ONI agent« [COMMS] [SERVICE RECORD]