Halo Fanon
Forums: Index Human Rank Insignia database
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I'm a bit annoyed at the massive amounts of rank insignia images on Halo Fanon taken directly from Wikipedia, and i'm sure others might be as well. Considering a large number of the site are military enthusiasts, it's obvious that a large number of us love to use military insignia from the American, British, and Canadian militaries. However, there are dozens and dozens of the same exact rank insignia on this wiki and it just gets worse as time progresses.

If you remember from a couple months back when I was making a "promotion infobox" for my Carter-A259, you'll have likely noticed that the recent changes and the new files page were filled with dozens of high-resolution insignias. This included rank insignia images from the U.S. Army, Navy, and Marine Corps in stunning quality and over 2000px in size. Now i've decided to add the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Coast Guard insignias for those who think those are still necessary branches. Enjoy!

Also, if you find better versions of the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard enlisted ranks, please feel free to add them to this database.


(NOTE: Any rank insignia missing and filled with "N/A" designates that a particular rank has not been used by a particular branch, or hasn't been used in awhile.)
(NOTE: Commodore was a rank used by the United States Navy until the end of World War II, then revived in 1982 and removed shortly after. It may be used as an alternate to Rear Admiral (Lower Half) without being a breach of canon.)
(NOTE: There is no corresponding O-11 (five-star officer) and above rank for the U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Coast Guard. In addition, there has not been an O-12 rank used by the U.S. Air Force.)

 Insignia   Rank   Grade   Navy   Coast Guard 
Second Lieutenant (Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force)

Ensign (Navy and Coast Guard)

UNSC-N Ensign UNSC-CG Ensign
First Lieutenant (Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force)

Lieutenant Junior Grade (Navy and Coast Guard)

UNSC-N Lieutenant Junior Grade UNSC-CG Lieutenant Junior Grade
Captain (Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force)

Lieutenant (Navy and Coast Guard)

UNSC-N Lieutenant UNSC-CG Lieutenant
Major (Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force)

Lieutenant Commander (Navy and Coast Guard)

UNSC-N Lieutenant Commander UNSC-CG Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant Colonel (Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force)

Commander (Navy and Coast Guard)

UNSC-N Commander UNSC-CG Commander
Colonel (Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force)

Captain (Navy and Coast Guard)

UNSC-N Captain UNSC-CG Captain
Brigadier General (Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force)

Rear Admiral (Lower Half) (Navy and Coast Guard)
(alt.) Commodore Admiral (Navy)

UNSC-N Commodore Admiral UNSC-CG Commodore Admiral
Major General (Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force)

Rear Admiral (Upper Half) (Navy and Coast Guard)

UNSC-N Rear Admiral UNSC-CG Rear Admiral
Lieutenant General (Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force)

Vice Admiral (Navy and Coast Guard)

UNSC-N Vice Admiral UNSC-CG Vice Admiral
General (Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force)

Admiral (Navy and Coast Guard)

UNSC-N Admiral UNSC-CG Admiral
General of the Army (Army)

Fleet Admiral (Navy)
General of the Air Force (Air Force)

UNSC-N Fleet Admiral N/A
General of the Armies (Army)

Admiral of the Navy (Navy)

UNSC-N Admiral of the Navies N/A

(NOTE: Any rank insignia missing and filled with "N/A" designates that a particular rank has not been used by a particular branch, or hasn't been used in awhile.)
(NOTE: The "Warrant Officer One" rank has not been used by the United States Navy or Coast Guard since 1975.)
(NOTE: While the "Chief Warrant Officer Five" rank has authorized for use in the U.S. Coast Guard, no insignia has been created and no personnel have been promoted to it.)
(NOTE: The U.S. Air Force ceased to promote officers to the Warrant Officer grades in 1959. Since the last active warrant officer retired in 1992, the W-1 through W-5 ranks, though authorized, have not been in use.)

 Rank   Grade   Army   Marines   Air Force   Navy   Coast Guard 
Warrant Officer One W-1 UNSC-A Warrant Officer One
UNSC-MC Warrant Officer One
UNSC-AF Warrant Officer One
UNSC-N Warrant Officer One
UNSC-CG Warrant Officer One
Chief Warrant Officer Two W-2 UNSC-A Chief Warrant Officer Two
UNSC-MC Chief Warrant Officer Two
UNSC-AF Chief Warrant Officer Two
UNSC-N Chief Warrant Officer Two
UNSC-CG Chief Warrant Officer Two
Chief Warrant Officer Three W-3 UNSC-A Chief Warrant Officer Three
UNSC-MC Chief Warrant Officer Three
UNSC-AF Chief Warrant Officer Three
UNSC-N Chief Warrant Officer Three
UNSC-CG Chief Warrant Officer Three
Chief Warrant Officer Four W-4 UNSC-A Chief Warrant Officer Four
UNSC-MC Chief Warrant Officer Four
UNSC-AF Chief Warrant Officer Four
UNSC-N Chief Warrant Officer Four
UNSC-CG Chief Warrant Officer Four
Chief Warrant Officer Five W-5 UNSC-A Chief Warrant Officer Five
UNSC-MC Chief Warrant Officer Five
UNSC-AF Chief Warrant Officer Five
UNSC-N Chief Warrant Officer Five N/A

 Insignia   Rank   Grade 
UNSC-A Private E-1
Private E-1
UNSC-A Private E-2
Private Grade 2 E-2
UNSC-A Private First Class
Private First Class E-3
UNSC-A Specialist

UNSC-A Corporal
(From top to bottom)


UNSC-A Sergeant
Sergeant E-5
UNSC-A Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant E-6
UNSC-A Sergeant First Class
Sergeant First Class E-7
UNSC-A Master Sergeant

UNSC-A First Sergeant
(From top to bottom)

Master Sergeant
First Sergeant

UNSC-A Sergeant Major

UNSC-A Command Sergeant Major

UNSC-A Sergeant Major of the Army
(From top to bottom)

Sergeant Major
Command Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major of the Army


 Insignia   Rank   Grade 
UNSC Crewman Recruit
Crewman Recruit E-1
UNSC Crewman Apprentice
Crewman Apprentice E-2
UNSC Crewman
Crewman E-3
UNSC-N Petty Officer Third Class
Petty Officer Third Class E-4
UNSC-N Petty Officer Second Class
Petty Officer Second Class E-5
UNSC-N Petty Officer First Class
Petty Officer First Class E-6
UNSC-N Chief Petty Officer
Chief Petty Officer E-7
UNSC-N Senior Chief Petty Officer
Senior Chief Petty Officer E-8
UNSC-N Master Chief Petty Officer

UNSC-N Fleet Master Chief Petty Officer

UNSC-N Command Master Chief Petty Officer

UNSC-N Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
(From top to bottom)

Master Chief Petty Officer
Fleet/Force Master Chief Petty Officer
Command Master Chief Petty Officer
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy


 Insignia   Rank   Grade 
UNSC-MC Private
Private E-1
UNSC-MC Private First Class
Private First Class E-2
UNSC-MC Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal E-3
UNSC-MC Corporal
Corporal E-4
UNSC-MC Sergeant
Sergeant E-5
UNSC-MC Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant E-6
UNSC-MC Gunnery Sergeant
Gunnery Sergeant E-7
UNSC-MC Master Sergeant

UNSC-MC First Sergeant
(From top to bottom)

Master Sergeant
First Sergeant

UNSC-MC Master Gunnery Sergeant

UNSC-MC Sergeant Major

UNSC-MC Command Sergeant Major

UNSC-MC Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps
(From top to bottom)

Master Gunnery Sergeant
Sergeant Major
Command Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps


 Insignia   Rank   Grade 
UNSC-AF Airman Basic
Airman Basic E-1
UNSC-AF Airman
Airman E-2
UNSC-AF Airman First Class
Airman First Class E-3
UNSC-AF Senior Airman
Senior Airman E-4
UNSC-AF Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant E-5
UNSC-AF Technical Sergeant
Technical Sergeant E-6
UNSC-AF E-7 First Sergeant

UNSC-AF Master Sergeant
First Sergeant (E-7)

Master Sergeant

UNSC-AF E-8 First Sergeant

UNSC-AF Senior Master Sergeant
(From top to bottom)

First Sergeant (E-8)
Senior Master Sergeant

UNSC-AF E-9 First Sergeant

UNSC-AF Chief Master Sergeant

UNSC-AF Command Chief Master Sergeant

UNSC-AF Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force
(From top to bottom)

First Sergeant (E-9)
Chief Master Sergeant
Command Chief Master Sergeant
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force


 Insignia   Rank   Grade 
UNSC Crewman Recruit
Crewman Recruit E-1
UNSC Crewman Apprentice
Crewman Apprentice E-2
UNSC Crewman
Crewman E-3
UNSC-CG Petty Officer Third Class
Petty Officer Third Class E-4
UNSC-CG Petty Officer Second Class
Petty Officer Second Class E-5
UNSC-CG Petty Officer First Class
Petty Officer First Class E-6
UNSC-CG Chief Petty Officer
Chief Petty Officer E-7
UNSC-CG Senior Chief Petty Officer
Senior Chief Petty Officer E-8
UNSC-CG Master Chief Petty Officer

UNSC-CG Command Master Chief Petty Officer

UNSC-CG Area Command Master Chief Petty Officer

UNSC-CG Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard
(From top to bottom)

Master Chief Petty Officer
Command Master Chief Petty Officer
Area Command Master Chief Petty Officer
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard



Please keep your comments civil, short (five-word minimum), to the point, and good. Thank you!

GrizzleiYou Are What You Dare
Just as a head's up, i'll be doing the Warrant Officer and Enlisted sections either later tonight or tomorrow morning.

MaslabI am assuming direct control.I am the harbinger of your destiny.Preserve <insert name here>'s body if possible.Releasing control.
This is going straight in to my bookmarks.

Spartan-091Bureau Roundel Senior Bureaucrat Orpheus Roundel Orpheus Ranger Roundel 10/105 Cavalier Roundel M56S
You deserve a medal.

UNSC Spartan Emblem
Camp FromanAssassin - Technician - Lone Wolf - Demolition - Hacker - Rookie
Good job!

We'll most definitely move this to a proper project page. "HaloFanon:Rank-Insignia Database", anyone?- 5əb'7aŋk(7alk) 03:00, August 2, 2010 (UTC)

APS fish
Another Poetic Spartan"I live for service. How about you?"

Bravo Zulu, Nat! Well done!FightWithHonor Contact me 03:20, August 2, 2010 (UTC)

Jolly good show, but I've been using "Halo-fied" versions of Royal Air Force ranks for my version of the UNSCAF, and intend to use similar insignia . This isn't a problem, is it?--The All-knowing Sith'ari 20:25, August 2, 2010 (UTC)

Lordofmonsterisland — There are... no strings... on me...
Beautiful job Nat! Five stars!... however, at the risk of sounding somewhat unappreciative, is that all the insignia? I thought there were more ranks with insignia?

GrizzleiYou Are What You Dare
Thanks LOMI, but no it's not yet complete. I still have to do the enlisted rank insignia tables for the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard...with every pay grade variation and title. Should be fun.

Lordofmonsterisland — There are... no strings... on me...
Just wanted to make sure I wasn't imagining things. Good luck Tony; you'll probably need it

This annoys me just a bit: Why would the UNSC use the Great Seal of the United States on its rank insignias when it's a multinational force? Isn't it more likely that they'd use the UNSC Phoenix?--The All-knowing Sith'ari 16:36, August 6, 2010 (UTC)

GrizzleiYou Are What You Dare
Because the U.S. Armed Forces has style, why shouldn't the UNSC Defense Forces emulate them? :)

What?! Have you not seen the British Army's parade dress?! :-)--The All-knowing Sith'ari 19:40, August 6, 2010 (UTC)
Raven's wing — "I'm fine with being a demon... I'll just use my hellish tools to get you to listen!"
Except we know that the UNSC uses its own Eagle at least on the Navy Enlisted insignia - see the insignia taped to the Voi memorial next to the "117" engraving.

GrizzleiYou Are What You Dare
Ain't Nobody Got Time For That

Raven's wing — "I'm fine with being a demon... I'll just use my hellish tools to get you to listen!"
Then again you already made up insignia for Airman Basic and both Privates, so... (Ranks which in the real world US Military have no insignia)

GrizzleiYou Are What You Dare
...are you smart mouthing me, boy? Huh? HUH!?

Alternative set of UNSC Navy Enlisted Insignias

Sev40 - ZealotPatriotDaredevil
TALK - 11:05, Saturday, November 11, 2020
G'day guys. I've created an alternative set of the Navy Enlisted ranks, which replaces the US eagle with the UNSC logo instead. You can find those here.

EDIT: I've also added a couple of adapted UNSC Army Enlisted insignias too.