Halo Fanon
Forums: Index Crap articles and the like
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Alright people. I know, you all came here to make fan fiction. However, this site has rules.

  1. Follow canon as best you can. If your article contradicts canon, change it. Don't wait for the Admins to come down on you.
  2. If people give you criticism, suck it up. They're trying to help you. If you think your shi* is the best stuff in the world, by all means think that. However, refer to rule numer one.
  3. CHECK YOUR GOD DA**ED SPELLING. Yes, I know, a few of my articles have errors. I don't have spell check on this comp. If you have a chance, check it.
  4. Don't make anything stupid. If it even seems cheesy, don't do it.

Although I question those who make articles about canon things... (Vehicles, Services, not naming names *coughsectiononecough*)

-- The Dawn of a new Chronicle<The Psycho> <The General> <The Prodigal Son> [The Vessel] [The Unit] 19:46, 18 November 2008 (UTC)

I should probably reprimand you in some way or form but your completely right. Many recent articles on this wikia have been of a distinctly low quality and written by people who think the know better than everybody at everything, even when common canon knowledge, common sense and common physics confound them. <Death to Heroes>[The Damned] [The Lost][The Forgotten]|Deus Ex Ajax

Yeah, its kind of tiring to see weapons that are not only illogical from their very conception but whose owners also simply refuse to back down when called on it. I've seen several talk pages where the article's creator just will not admit that the article is unrealistic. It's kind of pathetic to watch someone take some perceived stand over an issue where they're obviously in the wrong. Actene: Heaven and Earth

eh my biggest thing is ranks and unit sizes...tired of seeing generals leading platoons and divisions of 25 guys =P Hollywood

Heh. No, Andrew James Lewis doesn't lead the Archangels anymore! He only led them during the Human-Covie War!. lol. What pisses me off is when people start making SPARTANs with John-117 like powah. -- Sgt. johnson<The Psycho> <The General> <The SPARTAN> 04:39, 21 November 2008 (UTC)

well for Archangels are guys were supposed to be like rainbow six status so having a higher ranked officer was understandable. what i was talking about was i saw an article way back that had like a colonel leading an infantry platoon. . .waste of resourcesHollywood