Halo Fanon
Forums: Index Blogs - what to do with 'em
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Leo Fox(Talk to me) The Doctor Another Hero The SurvivorAnother sacrifice
TALK CONTRIBUTIONS Comments, feedback to be directed here.
Recently, blogs have begun to be used for topics that would better be discussed on our Internet Relay Chat channel, not on our wiki.

Two things that I keep thinking;

  1. What is the purpose of having blogs on a wiki like ours? We have fourms, which some newer users, think blogs replace, when they don't.
  2. Why not just dump blogs completely? They simply fill up Special:RecentChanges with useless edits, that I'm sure nobody cares about, and they have no real point on a wiki like ours, but thats a thing for point #1.

Opinions below plox.

GrizzleiYou Are What You Dare
TALK CONTRIBUTIONS Friday, April 19, 2024
I would prefer to see the blog feature be removed from Halo Fanon altogether so we wouldn't have to enforce the proposed blog guidelines that I just recently posted. Though if people decide it would be better to keep it, i'm more than happy to enforce the standards.

However, most significant canon and off-topic discussions take place on Halopedia (thanks Dragonclaws) and on the IRC, respectively.

They flood the fucking recent changes. it's soooooooo annoying. I say we take this to wiki staff and get it removed somehow for our site.--SPARTAN-08BLAM! Talk

I think blogs are fun... - Echo 1 02:27, May 30, 2010 (UTC)

I am fine with them. With CT's proposal, I feel that they will be under control anyhow. Plus the fact that we really only count MAIN space edits and not the whole edit count.--H*bad (talk) 02:38, May 30, 2010 (UTC)

Leo Fox(Talk to me) The Doctor Another Hero The SurvivorAnother sacrifice
TALK CONTRIBUTIONS Comments, feedback to be directed here.
"However, most significant canon and off-topic discussions take place on Halopedia (thanks Dragonclaws) and on the IRC, respectively."
CommanderTony, 4 posts up.

As per CT, and, users simply use the blogs as a more forum-ish tread. The thing is that blogs have little to no use on the wiki.

I am actually starting to use blogs for Halo Fanon related topics.--H*bad (talk) 03:07, May 30, 2010 (UTC)
