Halo Fanon
Terminal This fanfiction article, ShadowDarck99/Empire of Shindoray, was written by ShadowDarck99. Please do not edit this fiction without the writer's permission.
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The Holy Empire of Shindoray
Political information
Type of government

Absolute Monarchy

Founding document

The 3 kingdoms

Head of State


Head of Government

Imperial Council of Guardians


Grand Marshal

Societal information


Official language

Shindoray Language


Imperium credits

State religious body


National holiday

empire foundation day


Praise Be Our Eternal Glory

Historical information
Formed from

the union of the three kingdoms

Date of establishment

1234 A.C


The Empire of Shindoray, also known as The Holy Empire of Shindoray, is the official state of the Shindoray people located on the Perseus Arm, and its sole Empire.


The Holy Empire of Shindoray was founded after the union of the 3 kingdoms: The Kingdom of Deneri, Kingdom of Vestarion, and—most importantly—the smaller Kingdom of Darsun. It was from this planet that the united movement was born with the objective of uniting the Darsun Three kingdoms. The General Dessler Sunstrider I saw that he would need a title as king so he proclaimed himself Emperor and thus the Sunstrider dynasty was born. At the beginning of the empire, there were several rebellions with the aim of separating the empire.

First reign

The First Reign is the name given to the period of imperial history when Dessler Sunstrider I I founded the empire ruled as Emperor, between imperial year 1 to imperial year 34. This period was characterized by being of transition, marked by a major economic-financial, social and political crisis. The effective consolidation of the foundation of the empire, would occur from the imperial year 34 with the death of Dessler Sunstrider I


The government of the empire is an absolute monarchy where the ruler reigns absolute until his death, may seem like a totalitarian rigime, but the population has great freedom within the empire. The empire is not entirely absolute, there are elections to choose the next governors. The territory of the empire is divided into sectors, each sector is governed by a governor every 5 years and an election is made to choose the next governor, if he is corrupt the emperor can remove him from office. The large-sized, moralistic, well-organized government is dominated by the Department of Defense, with Law & Order and Industry also on the agenda. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital planet Eden. The average income tax rate is 47%.

current emperor:Herm Sunstrider III

current empress:Melda Row VI

Crown Prince: Forrester Sunstrider II

The Emperor

the Holy Emperor was the official title of the head of state of the empire, in which he was occupied by the United King The title was created in the imperial year 1 by the Holy Emperor Dessler Sunstrider I the emperor is the  supreme and hereditary sovereign, his position and past from father to son a tradition is that imperial prince should be trained by the army must and how much he becomes the monarch receives the title of supreme marshal of the empire together with the title of emperor. In addition to the position of emperor the prince, receives the title of United King.


the empire has control over the 400.000 the main star systems of the empire are the Legadonia system, the Norkia system and the Valca system these are the most important and fortified systems of the empire were of these three systems that the emperor Dessler Sunstrider consolidated his power and founded the United of Shindoray, but it is believed that the territory where the empire is has already been dominated by another unknown civilization.


the home planet of the shindoray the imperial capital today is a giant metal ball a gigantic administrative complex and here where the emperor lives as it is an extremely large planet with the same size of neptune its population reaches 60 million of population Darsun is also called the golden throne


today the empire has no commercial relationship with another civilization as it has maintained an isolationist stance on the economy and is driven entirely by a combination of government and state industry, with legal private initiative. The industrial sector, quite diversified, is led by the Technology industry with significant contributions from Indepedent industries such as the Ades ship builder and the Valca corporation, both milatary-civil industries


The monetary unit of the foundation of the Empire until today is the imperial credits are small bars the size of a human finger made of a valuable metal called caterium. the monetary unit can also be transferred electronically to several people around the empire


the technology of the empire is well advanced and derived from an ancient, highly advanced precursor civilization. The empire was able to reverse engineer various technologies such as Dark matter fusion reactors, positron beams turrets, and the powerful particle shield generators The armor used in the ships of the empire is .Duratiun armor is a strong, malleable metal. Duratiun is stronger than titanium and steel, found mainly on volcanic planets, asteroids and moons, sometimes found on continental worlds.

The precursor technology was extremely advanced, classified as Tier 1 and is still being extensively studied by the empire. Some precursor artifacts were known to precede most mirus civilizations by several million years. The Precursors also left a small number of mysterious artifacts in deep space known. by the empire as pillars. They were usually energized hypermaterial and released radiation. They were generally considered unstable and dangerous. Imperial scientists recorded strange phenomena near the pillars, they released large pulses of energy, which would fry any machine that approached.


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a young Shindoray of 26 years some Shindorays manage to reach 300 years of age

part of the Aquatic Humanoids segment They are about 600 million years old and currently have reached the Tier 1.9 level of technology, using the Technology reversal of an unknown precursor civilization.

They can breathe in and out of the water without the need for any breathing apparatus, due to their highly evolved lungs. They have red and cold blood, thanks to the large amount of iron present in their hemoglobins. They have a DNA similar to that of humans.
