A list of all SPARTAN supersoldiers on Halo Fanon. All articles that use the Template:SPARTAN Infobox are automatically placed in this category.
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- Aaron Pila
- Aaron-017
- Aaron-A153
- Abbad Reiken
- Abigail Drakken
- Ace Fisher
- Ace-A220
- Adam Johnson
- Adam-G058
- Adam-I420
- Adriana-G238
- Agent Wade
- Agnara Khasan
- Ahmet-B198
- Aidan-007
- Ajax-013
- Aki-299
- Alan-A262
- Alaska-013
- Albert-091 (CBO0tz)
- Alec-G298
- Alex-A121
- Alex-G141
- Alex-G184
- Alexander Burn
- Alexander Raven
- Alexander-G207
- Alexis-B170
- Allan Richards
- Alyss-B312
- Alyssia-B083
- Amanda-208
- Amber-G330
- Amethyst-A031
- Amy-A090
- Amy-G094
- Ana-G309
- Andra-D054
- Andrew Dallas
- Andrew-054
- Andrew-082
- Andrew-091
- Andrew-119
- Andrew-B191
- Angel-125
- Angela Forrester
- Annalee-B220
- Annie-003
- Anthony Mendez
- April-G182
- Arelynn-G056
- Ares Centurion
- Arjun-A414
- Arn-G287
- Artyom Chernov
- Asa-024
- Ashley 021
- Ashley Coeman
- Aspen-B145
- Attila-261
- Aubrey Davis
- Autumn-118
- Ava Johnson
- Avgust Kalinin
- Avril-392
- Axton-A428
- Aylla-G021
- Ayrton-A384
- Bailey-132
- Bain-B114
- Bartosz Sówka
- Baz-G260
- Beatrix-B072
- Beau - 004
- Ben-G175
- Bengy-111
- Benjamin Nishurd
- Benjamin-B300
- Benjamin-G151
- Beowulf-B251
- Beryl-G308
- Besnik-362
- Bess-D2639
- Bijan Hester
- Billy-G039
- Bison SIV
- Blake Bailey
- Bless-G189