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Annual Award Legendary This article, Bodark-B076, was voted as the Legendary Article of 2021 in the Fourteenth Annual Halo Fanon Wikia Awards.

Annual Award Best Spartan This article, Bodark-B076, written by EvenManatee887, was voted as the Best SPARTAN of 2021 in the Fourteenth Annual Halo Fanon Wikia Awards.

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Biographical Information
REAL NAME Svetlana Rusakov (Former)

Bodark (Current)

DATE OF BIRTH 28th August 2528
Physical Information
HEIGHT 2.083 meters (6ft 10 inches) (Out of Armor)

2.184 meters (7ft 2 inches) (In Mjolnir armor)

WEIGHT 124.74 kg (275 lbs) (Out of Armor)

578.3 kg (1275.0 lbs) (In Mark IV Armor)

354.7 kg (782.0 lbs) (In GEN2 Armor)

HAIR COLOR Platinum Blonde (Dyed)
EYE COLOR Hazel (Green Outer Iris, Oramge-Red Inner Iris)
Political/Military Information
  • CQC Specialist
  • Combined Arms Master Gunner
  • Joint-Fire Observer (JFO)
  • Orbital Warfare Specialization
  • Combat Engineer
  • EOD
  • Sapper Leader Qualified
  • Mountain Warfare Specialist
  • MOUT Qualified
  • Armorer
RANK UNSC-N Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Commander

-Naval Special Warfare Command (NAVSPECWARCOM)

-Naval Special Warfare Task Unit-12 (NSWTU-12)

UNIT Team Kilo (Former)

PERUN Team (Current)

NOTABLE INFO *Graduated with Top Honors in Vehicular Warfare
"You will hear thunder and remember me, The sky will be the color of hard crimson, And your heart, as it was then, will be on fire."
― Anna Akhmatova

Lieutenant Commander Bodark-B076 is a SPARTAN-III supersoldier, formerly part of Beta Company, who fought during the Human-Covenant War and after in the Post War years. Born on New Harmony, she grew up in Tyumen until a Covenant invasion in 2545. After the invasion, Bodark was recruited by ONI and kept in cryosleep until she joined Beta Company two years later. She was a member of Team Kilo and graduated in 2545 as a Vehicular Warfare Specialist.

During the War, Bodark completed a number of successful operations alongside Beta Company. She was pulled out prior to Operation: TORPEDO, qualified as a Category Two Spartan, and placed into PERUN Team. In PERUN, she served as the second in command and she was present at many famous battles. Notably, the RL-54 Incident, the Raid on the Forge, the Fall of Reach, and the Battle for Earth. Following the Fall of Reach, Bodark took command of PERUN Team for the remainder of the Human-Covenant War.

Following the end of the War, Bodark continued to lead and deploy with PERUN Team under Naval Special Warfare Command. She led the team in many significant operations such as the Terceria Campaign, Second Requiem Campaign, and numerous smaller operations against Covenant Remnant factions and Insurrectionists.



Born on New Harmony on August 28th, 2528; Svetlana Rusakov was born to an upper-middle-class family in the city of Tyumen. Her father was the owner of a large interplanetary shipping corporation while her mother was formerly a lawyer but she quit due to the amount of malpractice and illegal dealings her firm was involved in.

As for Svetlana herself, she was quite different from other children her age. She had a particular interest in mythology and its creatures both human and not from a very young age. She quite liked hearing stories about Slavic mythology and the Bodark's in particular, people who willingly became werewolf-like monsters. This would however come to result in much teasing and jeering from other children. As a result, she began to draw further into herself and away from others and bottled up her anger until one occasion when she knocked another student's tooth out. This lead to further social seclusion for her due to her now prominent anger management issues but also a new interest, sports. Despite her age, she exhibited impressive physical abilities both in strength and speed, taking gold medals during sporting events.

However, her incident with the other student did lead to her having to attend sessions with the school counselor with little success. Due to the lack of progress, she was instead sat down by her parents who would come to teach her about the importance of those close to her and that family, by blood or otherwise, was something she could always rely on and trust. This was further ingrained into her as her parents would try their hardest to spend time with her outside their jobs, from talking to studying.

This wouldn't last long, when she was eight the Battle of New Harmony had broken out as the world came under attack by the Covenant. Her parents and she were rushed to the closest spaceport along with other civilians. However, once they reached the shuttle they realized that there was barely any space left; so they placed her on board the shuttle and told her they were going to look for more people to help. By the time Svetlana felt the shuttle lifting it was too late, the last she saw was her parents tearfully waving at her as plasma streaked above them burning the world around them. Svetlana stood frozen watching the decimated port as the shuttle broke orbit, her eyes never leaving the scorched planetside even as it vanished into the blackness of slipspace.

By the time the shuttle, which was destined for Reach, arrived on the planet ONI agents were already waiting to extract Svetlana. However, when they approached her she was still standing in place, right where she watched her parents die. When they called her name she refused to respond or even acknowledge the name, when they tried to grab her she violently lashed out and cut one of the agents across their cheek. With a look of unbridled fury in her eyes she stated Svetlana was gone, and that all that was left was Bodark, despite initial hesitation, the agents decided to agree if it meant bringing her in.


"They're your team, you work with 'em because you sure as shit ain't getting through this program without them, they're all the family you got left"
― Chief Petty Officer Mendez to Bodark-B076 after nearly getting into a fight with her team

Bodark, formerly Svetlana, was awoken two years later at Camp Currahee on Onyx where she met the numerous other candidates who had been selected for Beta Company. Like other members of Beta Company Bodark held strong motivation fueled by her desire for revenge against the Covenant, however, hers was distinctly more prevalent when compared to others. This was first made clear just after she had been awoken, coming face to face with the huge armored man that she would come to know as Lieutenant Commander Ambrose, she was noticeably unfazed by his stature. However, when told that they were being given a chance at revenge, she notably tensed, not so much as flinching when he locked eyes with her.

The first of the constant years of tests to come began with them being loaded into a large dropship and being given large, heavy backpacks with a series of straps and clips keeping them firmly attached. As they sat in wait the order came clear as day, if they wanted to stay and fight, they needed to jump. While some hesitated, Bodark didn't, she marched straight up to the ramp and took the jump.

Upon landing, she and the other cadets made their way back and were given a meal and then sent to their barracks as a reward for their dedication. While most of the others spoke with each other, exchanging stories and names about themselves, Bodark was decidedly more reserved. Sparsely talked to others and revealed little about her parents' deaths, but their stories were very similar at their core. Most were either already orphans or were made orphans by the War and their endgame was all the same, revenge for those they had lost. The next day saw them beginning their brutal training, from countless hours of PT to arduous theory-based courses. Bodark, as a result of her age and previously well-developed physical abilities, was a natural in PT and exercises, fluctuating from the front quarter to the head of the pack. The same could not be said about her theory classes, where her temper had a tendency to get the better of her and she struggled to learn more advanced topics and grew impatient with ones she quickly understood.

Particularly in CQC training, Bodark performed far above what was expected, primarily due to her somewhat unhinged and savage fighting style. It was also through CQC that she would meet Adrian-B143, another promising CQC combatant who actually seemed to know a fair amount about fighting. This was put to the test against Bodark's savage style of throws, pummels and locks aimed at beating the life out of opponents as quickly as possible. The two would frequently clash on the mats, and while Bodark won most of the time, it became clear that her brutal and uncoordinated fighting style wouldn't last her much longer. With her and the other candidates learning proper fighting styles as their training continued and they grew stronger.

Beta Training

Kilo, far left on the rope wall, was pushed like other teams and more so under Bodark's leadership

In April, 2540, the candidates were arranged into teams, with Bodark assigned to Team Kilo along with Jericho-B257, Arlo-B135 and Jamie-B295, with Bodark appointed team leader. Initially this didn't seem bad, but as the weeks drudged on Bodark would constantly push them to the same extremes that she pushed herself. This included waking them up in the night to train even more, as well as giving them no leeway for failing her expectations. While her ruthless approach seemed to work, her constant hard going combined with their regular training began to wear on her teammates. Causing their performance to drop much to her annoyance and later ire.

As the years of training, continued there was a marked improvement in the skill and proficiency of the trainees. Despite the progress made since their formation, Bodark grew increasingly annoyed with her team's inability to meet her excessively high standards. In one particular instance in early 2541, Bodark lashed out at them after Arlo and Jericho failed to beat their respective opponents in sparring sessions. Bodark continued to call out their incompetence and berate them, her temper almost pushing her to get in a fight with Jericho as tensions escalated. Fortunately, the other instructors took notice and forcibly separated the two before either of them could start a brawl. MCPO Mendez personally pulled Bodark aside to reprimand her, and he made it abundantly clear that she wouldn't get through the program by herself and that her team were the only family she had left. The last part in particular having a lasting effect on Bodark which would see an impact on not only her training but also her sociability with clear contempt being held by her teammates.

As a result, she formally resigned from leadership of the team the day after the incident, leaving Jericho to take the leader position. While bewildered by her actions, the rest of her team was still wary of her until they had noticed the extent of her withdrawal. She would no longer push them at all, preferring to push herself alone, even going so far as to undertake team exercises with little to no interaction with her team. Though as the months wore on, her ability to do this under the increasing obstacles wore heavily on her, though she still refused to stop.

In one particular incident, after she had successfully beaten Adrian-B143, he had made a remark about not being surprised that a family would be happy to be rid of a monster like Bodark. At that moment Bodark leapt back into the sparring area and savagely attacked Adrian, beating, bruising and nearly breaking Adrian's bones until she was forcefully restrained by instructors. But the damage had been done as he was unconscious and bleeding substantially from several bruises and cuts. In the aftermath, the other candidates visibly avoided her, making sure to put space between themselves and Bodark lest she lash out on one of them. This would be the final blow to Bodark, as she was now in total seclusion, among peers who feared her.

Eventually this division began to be detrimental to the team as a whole as they began to lag behind even in basic trials. On August 24th, 2541, The entire company had been gathered by Lieutenant Commander Ambrose and was told that the next Ring the Bell exercise would be the deciding test in which of them would continue in the program. With her placement on the line but her standing with her team no different, Bodark set off ahead of them as had become usual, much to the chagrin of her team. While her team used co-ordination to slip past or avoid the armed and armored instructors, Bodark opted to use her speed to get past them, inadvertently causing distractions which helped her team. By the time all of them had rung the bell, they had placed among the lower times of those who would continue in the company.

Despite their qualification, MCPO Mendez was thoroughly dissatisfied with their performance, in particular he was tired of Bodark's solo approach crippling what used to be one of their finer teams. Therefore, after discussions with the company's psychiatrist, Bodark was scheduled for Psychological Evaluation. It was here she was made aware of what exactly she had done, how it effected her team and why they had reacted the way they did. She had been unaware or unwilling to entertain the idea that the others weren't as willing to push themselves to and past the brink as she was. She was so aloof to this she didn't realize that she had begun to push them away with her extra training, harsh reprimands for failure and uncompromising attitude.

When they finally 'left', she was left angry, confused and alone, wondering why they had pushed back against her attempts to make them better. When subsequently confronted by Mendez, she seemed to take his words as challenge, desiring to prove that she had been trying to help them and sought to do so by going through the trials alone. But over the course of the session, the psychiatrist explained that her 'help' were only part of the reason, the other reason was Bodark herself. Her uncaringness to their requests, her cold demeanor and her harsh reprimands drove them away, making them believe that she never cared for them and wouldn't in the future. When the realization became clear that it was her fault, she was determined to not lose the closest thing she had to family.

Beta Barracks

While not the most private Bodark had little to no choice of where else to approach her teammates.

The next day in the barracks she had approached the rest of Kilo and to their confusion she seemed uncomfortable, but after a moment she finally spoke. To their surprise she, awkwardly, tried to word an apology for her behavior and promised to try and make up for it. While Arlo was skeptical and Jericho tenuously accepted her apology, the first to actually forgive her was Jamie who despite her initial distaste for Bodark did realize the benefits of pushing themselves to and past their limits.

In the days after, Bodark's attitude towards her teammates had drastically changed, no doubt due to her realization in her discussion with the psychiatrist. She had decided to not only stop holding her team to her expectations but also stopped dragging them along to her extra training, having felt she had been the source of enough tension between them.

Over the next few months Bodark's consistent, although not always successful, attempts at being more of a team player did go a ways to improving relations with her team. Jericho eventually beginning to trust her and Arlo, with some prodding, doing the same while Jamie had forgiven her only, much to her surprise, a day later and would go on to become Bodark's first true friend. As the years trudged on however, she did become closer to them, joining in conversations, making the occasional quip or joke and even laughing more openly with them. Over the years she started calling them her friends and eventually even family.

Beta UNSC Hopeful

In September, 2543, all candidates of Beta Company were pulled from their normal training for a day, as they would undergo the most dangerous and life changing part of the program, the augmentation procedure. Bodark and Kilo, as well as all the other teams, were taken by Pelican to the UNSC Hopeful, the same place where their predecessors had undergone their augmentations. They were guided individually to separate rooms, Kilo giving each other a reassuring nod before parting, before they were restrained to the surgery tables by teams of medical techs. The first phase of their augmentations were chemically induced and were injected while they were awake, despite her track record, even Bodark couldn't help but wince in pain as the needles punctured her arms, legs, torso and head. She felt the effects almost immediately as her heart rate increased, feeling her her bones and muscles lengthening and becoming stronger. But to reduce the risk of an adverse reaction, and to conduct the surgical aspect of the augmentation, she was sedated and further restrained.

Bodark awoke hours later, still on the table but now fully clothed and unrestrained, allowing her to sit up and inspect the changed she had only been able to feel previously. The most noticeable thing to her was her increased height and how much larger her body had become, her arms were longer and more muscular, as were her legs. The same extended to her torso, her muscles becoming more prominent as well as her shoulders feeling broader. Though because of all these changes to her figure and musculature, she had lost much of the sense of her body, haphazardly swinging her legs over the side of the bed and nearly falling out when her feet hadn't managed to plant themselves. Furthermore, the dull pain from the surgery scars on her body made it all the harder to focus on her movements. Rather than let her break anything, she was approached by another pair of doctors who helped her to her feet and relocated her to a recovery room.

Despite the doctors instructions to take it easy, Bodark made repeated attempts to try standing and walking unassisted, resulting in her stumbling to the floor repeatedly. This also resulted in her first beginning to notice the extent of her enhanced strength, as she fell and grabbed onto a metal table which she partially bent out of frustration. Much to the annoyance of the doctors, this only bolstered Bodark's attempts to test what she was capable of, which became more brazen as she got more used to her footing. Due to her restlessness, and her ahead of schedule recovery, Bodark was allowed to interact with her her teammates in small communal rooms. Upon seeing them, Bodark felt an unexpected sense of relief and happiness that they were okay, which only grew as they seemed genuinely happy to see that she had made it through. They spent most of their time shakily trying to walk and help each other walk while they talked about their experience of the augmentations and how they felt, Bodark chiming in with the growing sensation she felt in her bones.

However, while she did improve her relationship with her teammates, Bodark did have a slew of her own mental issues. As the years progressed, especially in her teens and even moreso after her augmentations, these became even more exacerbated. The most notable of which were her continued attempts to distance herself from her past self. While others had tried to hold onto the fleeting memories of their past, Bodark actively tried to detach herself from them, refusing to let the pain overtake her again and only focusing on the anger. This started when she had begun to use Bodark as her real name as opposed to Svetlana, further attempts included dying her hair platinum blonde and speaking English more and more as opposed to Russian. This was not lost on instructors or psychiatrists who were worried it would lead to further issues in her combat effectiveness, but were proven wrong as her performance only seemed to get better.

Beta Onyx Forest

As the Vehicle Warfare training continued, the forests near Camp Currahee became littered with destroyed husks of vehicles and divided by the Driving courses cutting through them

Despite the concerns about her mental state, Bodark continued to push herself with night time runs as well as training in which her teammates would sometimes willingly tag along and try to keep up. She would go even further in her CQC training, where she spent hours after formal training, practicing and learning several different fighting styles in order to clean up her unorthodox style which others were beginning to exploit. While she would at times attempt to mix the styles she often found little success, as she attempts to learn multiple at once slowed her progress, but as time went on, she became markedly more capable.

Outside the Combat Training and PT courses she had also found a particular fondness and interest in Vehicular Warfare courses and training. Bodark showed uncharacteristic levels of interest in the classes and their focus on how to identify weaknesses and flaws in Covenant vehicles and knowing how to exploit them to take them out. Among other courses such as vehicle operation and maintenance, there was also further training in theory courses, focusing on applications of strategies and tactics focused around vehicles. Her skill became apparent in practical training where she would land her shots with surprising accuracy in all listed weak points and she would even go so far as to find new ways to defeat the vehicles in her spare time. This dedication, along with her obvious skill, earned her a place in advanced sessions, though the augmentation process had warranted a refresher exam of sorts to ensure the candidates were still with their new bodies.

These advanced courses dealt with utilizing the environment to their advantage and how to utilize a range of vehicles to work together seamlessly in combined arms warfare. Furthermore, this extended the operational training from simulators and limited practical driving to full length combat driving courses and mock battles utilizing vehicles against dummy targets and each other with simulated projectiles. While the mock battles dealt with large scale vehicle warfare, the combat driving courses focused on smaller scale vehicular operation, down to a team and individual scale. Focusing on offensive and defensive driving in a number of different environments and on a variety of surfaces. By the end of the courses, Bodark had earned qualifications not only on human but also on a number of Covenant vehicles, distinguishing herself as one of the finest of the course.

In their last four years Kilo had gone from a embattled, detached and conflicted team to one of the closer teams in the Company. For Bodark especially, she became far more sociable though this only extended into her immediate team as she exhibited her quiet, serious demeanor when interacting with other cadets.

Graduation & Top Honors[]

In March 2545, Bodark and Kilo and the rest of Beta Company would finally graduate from their 6 years of intensive training and preparation to become Spartans. However Kilo had also been selected, with other handpicked teams, to compete for Top Honors and truly distinguish themselves as the stand outs from the Company.

Kilo performed well in Marksmenship where all four members performed impressively, with Jamie standing out thanks to her excessive training in sniping and marksmenship. Bodark also performed well, however her speed in switching between targets saw her miss some shots during the long range course. Arlo and Jericho performed similarly, resulting in Kilo taking fourth of the teams competing in the event. In Demolitions both Arlo and Bodark performed exceptionally well, no doubt due to the Arlo agreeing to instruct her on more complex explosives during training. Jamie and Jericho did not perform as well, Jericho having some ease due to his experience with coding, Jamie meanwhile had little knowledge beyond their basic training, but her steady hands did allow her some ease in manipulating the charges. When the Cyber Warfare and Hacking event came around, it was Bodark who would see difficulty over the course of the event, having difficulties in breaking various firewalls and encryptions despite prior aid and advice from Jericho, causing some instances of her damaging the consoles out of constant frustration. Jericho meanwhile would be the one stand out from Kilo in the event but was unable to keep up with Catherine-B320.

When it came to the CQC event, Bodark was the one to shine in her team as she quickly rose through the ladder, displaying her newfound mastery in several fighting styles and Spartan CQC. While Jericho and Jamie performed quite above average before being eliminated, no doubt due to intensive sparring with Bodark, Arlo had struggled through his matches. As a result of her rapid climbing and the quickly thinning roster, Bodark had neared the top and her progression had slowed as she went against other well trained CQC specialists in the Company. However it was not until the final five, her teammates having been eliminated, that she found herself fighting Adrian-B143, the same person who was nearly beaten to death in a blind fit of rage at Bodark's hands, the difference this time was that there were no restrictions and no one to stop her.

Settling the Score[]

Squaring off, Bodark and Adrian circled one another, each sizing up their opponent until Bodark made the first strike. The two traded blow after blow across each others bodies, their swift movements interrupted with flurries of kicks, punches and attempted locks. For a brief moment, Adrian seemed to have the upper hand, using his smaller stature to strike past Bodark's defenses. However, as he continued, Bodark managed to successfully combine her now well-trained combat methods with her old, savage way of fighting, turning the tide and eventually knocking him out with a flash kick to his jaw which would see her reprimanded by the instructors.

Kilo would go onto take 2nd in Top Honors in the CQC, thanks to their impressive performance, Bodark in particular was able to successfully include her old rage fueled savagery into existing forms which took form mainly in her last match. B312 had managed to match and even outwit her throughout their fight but as the match drew on longer he fought far more reservedly and opted for well placed hits to conserve his stamina. Bodark meanwhile tried several times to take him out with her more aggressive attacks which culminated in him taking advantage of one such attack to take her down and deal the knockout blow

She managed to lead her team to take top Honors in the Vehicular Warfare, her vast knowledge of design flaws and weakpoints in Covenant vehicles allowed her to instruct her teammates on how to most effectively take out targets and with the least time. When it came to the driving courses she exhibited exceptional ability in managing the vehicle over rough terrain, around tight circuits and even under fire. When it came to her teammates, her advice and instructions would see them set impressive course times, surpassing many within the company with Bodark's blistering times leading them to victory. In the maintenance course Bodark would once again show her prowess as she was able to guide her team through disassembling and reassembling various parts of Warthogs, Scorpions, and even Pelicans to have them, Bodark in particular, stand out amongst their peers and allowing Kilo to take top Honors in the event.

Operation: CARTWHEEL[]

See also: Volleyed and Thundered

Around the middle of May, Kilo along with the rest of Beta Company were being assembled for their first mission, their target being a Covenant base on a faraway moon. As preparations continued the anxiousness ran high through the Company including Kilo and Bodark.


Beta Company is deployed via SOEIV as Operation: CARTWHEEL kicks off.

The mission kicked off with Beta being deployed via SOEIV's to surprise the Covenant forces. Kilo was deployed two kilometers north of the facility and was tasked with targeting the garage and armory in support of the main force. Bodark along with Jericho and Arlo had landed around the target area. Jamie was off-course by half a kilometer and had landed near a large rock formation overlooking the base.

Once they had broken in, Bodark finally got a clear view at the Covenant inside. Grunts, Jackals, and a few Elites were scrambling, trying to get the vehicles moving. Arlo and Jericho took cover while Bodark took another approach. She weaved through the area using her grenade launcher and knives to rush the defenders, attempting to break them before they could respond. Jericho and Arlo were keeping up as best they could trying to make sure she didn't get herself killed in her anger, picking off targets which she had missed in her charge. Bodark was scolded by her teammates, as they cleared the garage. Shortly after, Kilo went to work on by Arlo planting the charges. However, they were interrupted by the sounds of Covenant forces trying to break in from the outside. Bodark was sent outside to flank them from while Jericho struggled to keep them locked out.


Outside of the garage, she attacked the Covenant forces attempting to break in while the rest of Kilo kept them out. Bodark moved to secure the rest of the area and was attacked by a Brute. She quickly defeated the Brute in a gruesome close-quarters battle and regrouped with Kilo. As Bodark made her way to Kilo, she came face-to-face with an Elite. Before she could react, Jamie took it down with his sniper rifle.

Under heavy fire, Arlo struggled with placing charges while Jericho kept the Covenant at bay. A few minutes later, Jericho and Arlo exited the garage to meet Bodark. They withdrew toward the Calypso exfiltration crafts with Jamie guiding them out of the base and picking off patrols in their way. Bodark was met with a degree of reprimand from all her teammates, even Jamie. Afterwards, she joined them boarding the craft, the charges detonating in the distance and the chain reaction destroying the garage. Despite her brashness, the team did commend her for giving them time to complete the objective.

While her teammates shared experiences with the rest of the company, boasting about their accomplishments, Bodark seemed to opt for her usual quiet and uninterested demeanor. As she sat with her team, listening to the stories around her, she first took the plunge to share a little herself, though it part because of her teammates exaggeration of her experience. Bodark, along with the rest of Beta Company, talked with each other about the success of the mission. Sitting with her team, Bodark thought back to earlier in the day. Even then, when she was with Jamie in the infirmary, getting checked for concussion damage from her last drop, she found that the rest of the company/team cared about her. Jericho and Arlo had made the point to come check in with her, and later that day, when they were in, she and Jamie returned the favor. Kilo was her family, and she knew that now better than ever before.

Selection and Reassignment[]

A week after Operation: CARTWHEEL, Bodark and her team were resting after another day of training. However their rest was interrupted as an Officer entered the barracks and began to call out a series of names, including those of Bodark and Jamie, before announcing that the named individuals were being permanently assigned to a special mission from Lieutenant Commander Ambrose.

As the officer departed, Bodark felt a creeping dread at being torn away from her newly-found family - only for it to be interrupted by Jericho and Arlo who, noticing her behavior and the similar behavior of Jamie, decided to cheer them up. Together they began to reminisce about the experiences they shared over the years, Bodark and Jamie joining in when their own experiences were brought up, sharing stories until there was only ten minutes left before their departure.

After packing her gear, however, Bodark would find that her teammates had one last surprise for her. When she turned to them she was presented with a section of metal, cut out from one of their bed frames, with the letter ‘K’ carved into it, her teammates having made each line with each one of their knives.

BDRK Token

"Don't worry Svet, we'll be back at it before you know it." ―Jericho-B257

Grateful at the token she insisted on doing the same for the rest of her team before she left. Before gathering her bags to leave, Bodark took the chance to gather her teammates into a hug, which they returned in full force as they shared their final words before she and Jamie were ushered outside by the Officer from before.

Bodark was led out of the barracks and into the main grounds where other Spartans were similarly being led by other Officers away from the main grounds. Giving Jamie a final nod with a small smile, she followed the Officer in front of her, paying no attention to anything going on around her - her mind instead occupied with the storm of emotions at being taken from her team.

She was also lead away from the main grounds and to a clearing where several ships had landed and were being boarded by fellow Spartans. She subconsciously followed the Officer up the ramp at the front of the ship, not paying attention to the other spartan being lead on board behind them. She was escorted to what she was told would be her temporary quarters for the journey and was left to settle in. Not long after, the ship began to lift off as she gave a final look back to the barracks, which itself disappeared as the ship shot through the sky and broke orbit, entering slipspace moments later.

The next few days saw little activity for Bodark as she was mostly confined to her room, spending most of her time shadow training in a mirror or looking longingly at her pendant. She would occasionally leave the room to roam the halls of the ship and even took the opportunity to acquire some cord so she could wear her pendant like a necklace. On the fourth day, she was ordered to attend a briefing in the drop bay of the ship, which she now knew as the UNSC Vorpal Sword.

Walking into the briefing area she saw none other than Adrian-B143, but rather than approach him she simply took her seat next to him and kept her eyes focused on the holo-table in front of them. In the following few hours they were informed of their appointment as team leader and second in command, for Adrian and Bodark respectively, of a new team known as PERUN Team. Following their briefing of the team they were then introduced to their new armor, Mjolnir Mark IV.

The next few weeks of their time in slipspace were spent acclimatizing to and training in their new armor. When Bodark had initially put on her armor she was surprised at the Mjolnir's greatly increased speed and strength, having found out when she attempted to raise her arms and sent a table and armor tech across the floor. As a result of this Bodark spent the next few hours simply learning to walk, run and handle things without breaking them. This would continue into the night with Bodark remaining awake for hours to get comfortable in the armor so that she could move on to more advanced movements. The rest of the week would see her and Adrian going through basic and advanced combat drills such as handling their weapons with their greatly decreased reaction times. Fr Bodark in particular, she had to get used to piloting vehicles with the armor, using both simulators and driving the Warthogs in the hangar on a small course she set out.

As the days progressed Bodark became more used to using her armor more deftly and was able to pilot the Pelican onboard with ease, however when one of the Pelicans was shifted for maintenance Bodark and Adrian took the opportunity to use the empty space as a makeshift obstacle course. Using a trio of Warthogs as hurdles, followed by a series of crates, meters apart and finally using the Pelican in the hangar as a high wall substitute, the obstacle course proved more than sufficient in testing how far they had come in using their armor, with Bodark clearing the course in less than a minute with the only damage being dents in the crates from the weight of the armor.

By the third week Bodark had completed the majority of available weapons training including various combat simulations ranging from urban combat to long range shooting. For live combat exercises she had set up a shooting range with Adrian, using crates and printed targets to keep their aim sharp. As for hand to hand combat, she practiced her various styles using holograms and training dummies, many of which were broken in the process. She had even placed a requisition for new armor pieces for her suit, opting for a new helmet, new shoulders and some attachments like a pack and comms unit. Most of her time was now spent reading various theory material such as those relating to leadership, mission planning and squad tactics. This was largely due to her past experience in leading a team making her uneasy about being put into such a position again. Given her past leadership of Kilo being decidedly harsh and uncompromising, she studied how to better communicate and compromise with teammates and how to better lead them without needing to be aggressive or threatening.

With few options left to keep her busy, she decided to enter the sparring ring with Adrian. As the bout came to an end, Bodark having drawn it out intentionally, she attempted to approach Adrian to speak to him, but she was cut off by his curt response to leave things in the past.

"Let me stop you right there Bodark, I don't care what you have to say. I don't care if you feel guilty or not about our past, because this team, the missions we are going to be tasked with, are bigger than either of us and are damn sure more important than a spat between teenagers. So leave it in the past"
― Adrian-B143's response to Bodark when she tried to talk to him

Bodark had been left somewhat dazed after Adrian's reply, not having expected him to be so blunt or willing to bury the past, though she suspected his placement of the mission and team above himself was one of the reasons he was made leader. The last few days of their journey were spent in similar sparring sessions with no conversation between the two aside from nods to each other after each round.

Just over three weeks after entering slipspace, the Vorpal Sword dropped out near the colony of Pertinax. In minutes a pelican laden with the two Spartans headed to the surface soon after they boarded. Bodark had a pang of anxiety but calmed herself by thinking of Kilo before stepping out after Adrian to meet the three other Spartans of her new team, PERUN.

PERUN Team[]

"It's quiet, much quieter than I expected."
― Bodark-B076 upon landing on Pertinax
UNSC Camp 0

Exiting the Pelican, Bodark was met with the sight of a destroyed colony. In the distance she could see ruined remains of a city and around her she could see the series of tents and covered buildings which made up the camp. But what drew her attention was the officer talking to Adrian. Heading over, she was greeted enthusiastically by the officer who introduced himself as Lieutenant Ozan Basset, to which both her and Adrian saluted, the mission handler and ONI liaison for PERUN. He quickly led her and Adrian over to a secluded building hidden beneath a series of tents, whose doors locked shut as Bodark entered. After taking a seat at the Lieutenants request, Bodark and Adrian were informed of their upcoming mission to target an Insurrectionist base by the name of Camp Hawkhurst. However, they were soon joined by another man who entered the room from the door they came through. He introduced himself as Major Roland Braughner, the commanding officer for PERUN, and wasted no time in informing Adrian and Bodark on the classified information regarding their teammates, which had been absent from their briefing on the Vorpal Sword.

Following the briefing, Bodark and Adrian were instructed to meet the rest of PERUN in the armory section of the command building; However, Bodark would have to go alone as Adrian was held back by Major Braughner. Entering the armory, Bodark spotted the other three Spartans checking their gear and steeled herself before approaching them. Catching the attention of the three, she questioned the command structure only to be confronted by Cassandra-A096. To resolve the standoff, the two took their grievances to the shooting range. But as they started, Bodark noticed that her shots weren't landing. She found her pistol to be firing blanks, causing her to march up to Cassandra and take her pistol, landing several shots with perfect accuracy before she could protest. Hearing the gunshots, Major Braughner and Adrian entered the armory, the Major scolding Cassandra for her behavior, before announcing Bodark and Adrian as they new second-in command and team leader and then leaving the two to deal with the team.

Raid on Camp Hawkhurst[]

After formal introductions, Adrian and Bodark led the others into the command building to be briefed. There, they were presented with a holo-projection of their target: Camp Hakwhurst, an abandoned UEG airbase. Hawkhurst had become a hotspot for Insurrectionist activity in recent years, but it had been covertly supplying Inner Colony insurrectionists with ex-UNSC arms for over a decade. The head of the smugglers, one Esteban Carajo, was thought dead before being spotted by ONI satellites in the past few weeks - and, worse, his smugglers had recently been shown to be in possession of X-23 Non-Nuclear EMP Cannons, capable of disabling UNSC WMDs. These weapons would be PERUN's secondary target, as explained by Bodark. However, as the briefing went on, Obadiah and Cassandra began to call their entire plan into question; and after Bodark and Adrian allowed them to lay out their alternative, the team mounted up and departed at sundown.

They traveled to Hawkhurst in darkness, staying off-road - after dropping Cassandra off at a nearby ridge to provide overwatch, Bodark and Damien dismounted and approached the outer wall as Adrian and Obadiah moved into position. Scaling the wall, the two quickly disposed of the guards on patrol, before moving to plant the first bomb as the other two prepared for their own assault. They then proceeded to the second bomb target, splitting up between the upper and lower levels of the cargo yard; Bodark breaching through the skylight and Damien following through the main doors.

Once explosives had been planted on the shipments and the warehouse's structural pillars, the two made their way through to their final targets, hearing en route that the other three were working their way through the base. Bodark busied herself with planting her charges in the vehicle depot, while Damien broke off to clear a path for them to link up with the others at the main facility. Just as she was finishing, however, alarms began to sound across the compound, signaling their discovery - without any warning or indication that the others were going loud.

Damien was already long gone, his route now blocked by the insurrectionist fighters flooding the base. Thinking fast, Bodark exited the depot and moved to escape past the sea of tent barracks - but she quickly found herself spotted and picked out by guard spotlights. Isolated, without any help from her team or even knowledge of where they were, she was forced back, making a break for the depot and taking out the fighters who had just moved in to secure it. There, she commandeered a Warthog to escape on her own; pausing only to detonate an ammo cache with a grenade to cover her flight, then setting off the main charges before any fighters could take off in pursuit of her.


When Bodark arrived back at base camp, her team had already arrived back well in advance, and were trying to justify their own actions amidst the chaos of the raid. She entered amidst Obadiah trying to absolve himself, but rather than hear anything further he had to say she simply struck him down with her helmet, storming out before anyone could move to calm - or reprimand - the enraged Spartan. Their return to the UNSC Vorpal Sword was more tempered, however, and after a few words of wisdom from the Pelican pilot ferrying her there, Bodark was left to think on not only Obadiah and Cassandra's lack of faith in her leadership but also their distrust in her abilities as a Spartan. She resolved to prove herself to them, with actions as her words.

Battle of Constantine[]


By 2545, Hotel Base had become the bulwark of the UNSC defenders on Constantine, its guns and expansive hangars of fighters ensuring the evacuation of thousands.

Almost a month after entering slipspace, Bodark and Adrian were called to the bridge by Major Braughner to receive their next assignment. The colony of Constantine had come under attack by the Fleet of Transcendent Faith on 9th June 2545. The Navy was able to drive back the initial attack and consolidated its defenses while the colony’s population was evacuated. After weeks of the UNSC battling with the Covenant on the planet’s surface, Hotel Base was the last functional base on the continent. PERUN was ordered to evacuate Lieutenant General Jacob Novak from Hotel Base before the UNSC lost the ability to defend the colony. Bodark assisted with providing information about the Covenant’s Type-26 Banshees and Type-29 Vampires which were seen targeting evacuation shuttles around the continent. She quickly gathered her weapons and ammo, checked her armor, and joined PERUN heading to a Pelican.

After deploying from Vorpal Sword, Bodark felt at ease until hearing of a Covenant attack near Hotel Base, on the radio. Adrian responded and ordered Sal to set them down to the south of the coordinates they were given, while the Pelican aided the defenders with air support. Bodark, Cassandra, and Adrian moved to the flank of the force while Obadiah and Damien engaged the force from behind. As the various Covenant turned in confusion to the fire coming from their rear, Bodark and others opened up from their side, taking down several targets while the others fled the area. Stowing her weapons, Bodark followed Adrian as they made their way through the walls. They were quickly let into the command center and were met by Lieutenant General Novak who quickly greeted them before turning back to the holotable in front of him, displaying the mass sections of the land around the base being completely dark and without intel. Despite both Bodark's and Adrian's insistence, the General continued to finalize the base's defenses. Before he could rebuke the Spartans again, alarms across the base came to life as a sudden and massed Covenant attack came, seemingly without warning. Ignoring the general's protest, Adrian grabbed him, with Cassandra and Damien following behind and Bodark and Obadiah leading ahead. The team quickly made their way back to the Pelican, quickly boarding it and having Sal take off with their Longsword escort.

With the General secure and skies seemingly clear, the Pelican and its escort headed away from Hotel Base. Bodark made sure to radio the UNSC Vorpal Sword and advise them of their return, but as she did, alarms sounded on the Pelican as it took several hits. Cassandra secured the General while the others gathered their weapons to engage a pair of Vampires. She took aim at one Vampire with her grenade launcher, and forced it to evade, allowing Damien to score a hit with his rocket launcher. Despite their efforts, the Vampire continued to fire back and forced the Pelican to list. Bodark made her way to the cockpit after Sal called for her help and took over flying. She took evasive maneuvers to shake the Vampires as Sal worked on repairs. Bodark was asked to stabilize the Pelican after PERUN disabled the shields on another Vampire, giving the team a chance to take one down. As Bodark stabilized the Pelican, they came under fire from the second Vampire and she was forced to crash land.

Slowly coming to after the impact, Bodark registered the shooting pains in the bones in her arms and legs, and barely made out her position through her blurred vision and ringing ears. Clearing her head, she left the cockpit to find PERUN, General Novak, and Sal with minor injuries. Adrian ordered the team to head away from the crash site to not be located by Covenant forces. After hearing Adrian’s orders, Bodark grabbed an assault rifle and stumbled out into the tree line to avoid a strafing run from a Vampire. After reaching a safe spot, Bodark and the rest of PERUN assessed their injuries. She and Adrian worked on creating a plan to get off the surface.

Adrian-B143: "Our best bet is to follow after it, has to be operating out of some nearby base to have escaped the anti-air defences and gotten the drop on us."
Bodark-B076: "At the very least, we're putting ground between us and crash, may be able to call down the Vorpal for evac"
―Adrian-B143 and Bodark-B076 planning the teams next move.

While moving away from the crash site, Bodark noticed the Phantoms and Vampires were flying low overhead. She took a moment to conduct recon and located a Covenant outpost. Rather than risking an open engagement, Bodark was tasked with infiltrating the base with Obadiah and Cassandra while Damien and Adrian took positions elsewhere. Inside the outpost, she took out guards with assistance from her team. Once they were all inside, Bodark told Adrian to open fire on the enemies. PERUN worked quickly to eliminate the enemy and clear the area. Bodark entered a nearby Phantom to see if she could fly it and confirmed with the rest of PERUN she could. The rest of the team, along with General Novak and Sal loaded onto the vehicle and made their way to the rally point.


"Sierra-B076 confirms, we are headed to the rendezvous point." -Bodark-B076

Given the compromised airspace, Bodark had Adrian radio the UNSC Vorpal Sword to link up with them at a new rally point. She managed to get the Phantom under her control after some practice and was contacted by Vorpal Sword needing to enact the Cole Protocol. Both Bodark and Adrian informed the Prowler of the situation and were granted access to land. Shortly after PERUN left the Phantom, the Vorpal Sword ejected it and entered slipspace.

PERUN was ordered to get assessed and treated for their injuries. Bodark suffered from several microfractures, bruised tibias, and a minor concussion. When Major Braughner entered, her attention turned to him when he ordered the team to attend a debrief. Inside the mission room, PERUN recounted their efforts in the mission. Bodark made sure to include her perspective despite Major Braughner’s offhanded remark.

"Nice of you to use your words as opposed to you helmet, Lieutenant"
― Major Roland Braughner

PERUN learned about the outcome of the battle and the fate of Constantine. She was surprised at how Cassandra, Obadiah and Damien had actually listened to her and Adrian's orders after what happened on their previous mission.

Evacuation of Argyll II[]

On August 9th, 2545, Bodark and the rest of PERUN were awoken from their cryo pods to meet with Lieutenant Basset and Major Braughner. The reason for their rapid thawing had been due to the interception of an incoming S.O.S signal from the colony of Argyll II. Incoming intelligence reported the colony undergoing evacuations due to a Covenant recon vessel near the system. However, these were undermined by numerous attacks against infrastructure and spaceports by the Heralds, a rebel doomsday cult, driven to action by their belief in the aliens as a divine force to bring humanity onto an ascended plane. Lieutenant Basset proceeded to inform the team of their deployment, a straightforward daylight assault on the main hideout of the Heralds with various light weapons and technicals as potential threats. With their arrival slated for the next day, the team filed out of the room, however, Bodark and Adrian were both held back by the Major.

Lieutenant Basset: "On July 3rd, 2545, Beta Company was deployed to the moon of Pegasi Delta, targeting a Covenant refinery. Initial reports indicated success, until a total of seven Covenant cruisers appeared without warning, only a handful of survivors managed to evacuate. No survivors were reported from Whisky or Kilo Teams."
Major Braughner: " That will be all Lieutenant, dismissed."
― Bodark responded docilely when the Major asked if she was ready for their next deployment

As the UNSC Vorpal Sword prepared to drop out of slipspace near Argyll II, PERUN geared up and deployed to the planet. Only a kilometer away from the target base, Adrian drew up a simple plan after the team set up overlooking positions to ensure none of the Followers escaped. Once in position, Bodark commenced the attack by firing a grenade into a technical from her grenade launcher, however, the action caused her to have a flashback to CARTWHEEL, fighting alongside her team and forcing her to think back to their possible deaths. Her reverie was broken by incoming fire, forcing her to drop into the base’s garage as memories of her team flooded through their mind and the reality of their deaths finally began to set in.


As she tore through the Followers, Bodark kept silent while struggling with the pain of her team’s demise. Enraged, she brutalized the dead bodies in an all but uncontrolled rage. Adrian caught sight of Bodark's warpath and ordered her to clear out the chemical storage building. Tearing off the armored door, she knocked one of the Followers back inside and tossed a grenade after them, moving away in time as the building exploded and erupted into flames.

Arriving at the warehouse, Bodark was engulfed by a maelstrom of emotions. She kicked the door in hard enough to kill the Followers who were bracing it shut. Inside, she focused on eviscerating the Followers as they tried and failed to run and escape. She tore her way through them, dismembering, crushing, and brutalizing each target, discoloring the rooms with mangled bodies and bloody smears. Once Obadiah and Cassandra reached the main room, they saw mutilated corpses and Bodark staring at them with a limp Follower pinned to the wall.

Cassandra-A096: "Bad day?"
Bodark-B076: "Something like that."
―Cassandra-A096 to Bodark-B076 after discovering Bodark on her rampage.

Rather than engage with them any further, Bodark radioed Adrian with the completion of her objective and left the warehouse to regroup with the rest of the team. Once regrouped, Adrian radioed in their completion as the team headed for their exfiltration point. Bodark kept to herself, throughout the march and flight back to the UNSC Vorpal Sword, left to process the reality of her team's death.

Battle of Rasmussen[]

On August 21st, 2545, the UNSC Vorpal Sword responded to a distress beacon from the colony of Avenoir. Bodark was briefed to recover Octas charges and destroy the main arcology of the planet as per the Cole Protocol. On the colony, she learned about a Yanme'e Hive occupying the arcology which caused the loss of a team of ODSTs and adjusted her plan with Adrian. She located a modified Pelican as a diversion and prepared to take out the Hive along with the arcology.

Dropping the rest of PERUN off with a fast pass, Bodark rose to the plaza level and fired thermobaric missiles to damage and awaken the hive. With numerous drones on her tail, she took evasive action to get her weapons on target and began to take them down by the hundreds. As the Pelican ran out of ammo, Bodark set the autopilot on a crash course with the main plaza and planted an explosive charge on the incendiary tanks inside the troop bay before diving out. The explosion released a violent eruption of flames throughout the floor and burned the surroundings. She was on the defensive again and moved between cover using grenades until her team arrived and could regroup to begin their descent.

Bodark and her team tore through the hive, burning hallways behind them to prevent them from being followed. As they continued, Adrian and Cassandra fell through the floor in one of the halls. Confirming they were still alive, Bodark took lead and directed Obadiah and Damien to continue down an alternate hall and reassured them and herself that they would regroup. They continued their descent until they reached the ground floor and then continued down a chitinous stairway leading below the lobby. Bodark found herself in a large, cavernous room filled with chitin, organic matter, and the hives queen. She ordered Damien to recover the charges while she and Obadiah opened fire on the queen to draw her attention. Bodark and Obadiah were overwhelmed by the sheer number of drones, but an explosion in the horde dispersed them as Adrian and Cassandra opened fire.

As the drones rushed to protect their queen from the explosion, Bodark and the rest of the team broke through a blocked elevator door, throwing more explosives around the room to keep the drones away as the team descended to the archive level. While Damien set the octas charges inside the archive room and Obadiah attempted to recover the files, Bodark planted explosives on the elevators as a trap. Bodark and her team advised command to evacuate the blast area after locating one of the maintenance tunnels and making their way to the subway tracks to locate a working shuttle. Bodark and Obadiah managed to get one working and the team rapidly escaped the blast radius.

First Attack on Krisatz[]

In late September 2545 the colony of Krisatz, a major military hub in the sector, would send out a barrage of alarms as Covenant scout fleet discovered the world and risked crippling the numerous supply lines which relied on the planet. PERUN Team would respond despite the long distance as the fall of Krisatz risked undermining UNSC forces across the sector. They would arrive in mid-October by which point the state of the conflict had reached a bloody stalemate on the ground. Krisatz's orbital and lunar defences managed to destroy much of the scout fleet but not before but several warships had managed to devastate the planetary defense fleet and make landfall in the Northern poles where they were now entrenching themselves and possibly preparing to siege the habitable band of the world.

Nuclear strikes couldn't be risked due to risk of damage to the habitable band and attempts at conventional orbital and airstrikes were blunted with increasing ease as the extent of the defences grew. Bodark and Adrian would consult with groundside command elements where plans centered on covertly inserting local UNSC Army forces and Marine Corps units. It was Bodark's insistence that these teams would be better used to act as JTACs to guide a below the radar conventional strike to surprise the Covenant forces rather than risking demolitions in the harsh terrain and conditions. It was eventually decided that PERUN Team alongside the local UNSC Army Ranger detachment and elements of ONIs Asymmetrical Action Group (AAG) would deploy under cover of nightfall to conduct Operation EVERGREEN, a recon and strike mission against Covenant forces.

Prior to PERUN making landfall, Obadiah and Cassandra approached Bodark and Adrian regarding their planned route to the target area, pointing out that certain areas were more likely to house hostile defences or patrol routes as they neared the target. Bodark was uncertain to say the least, the memories of Camp Hawkhurst only a few months prior all but shattered any trust she had in them. Despite that, they seemed to warm to her over the last few missions, especially during her time leading them within the hive. Given the short timeline and the trust they seemed to put in her in their last deployment, she along with Adrian agreed to follow their new route.

As PERUN made landfall they quickly assembled their gear and set off with Bodark and Cassandra leading. Despite the difficult terrain and near constant blizzards, progress was steady but slow with occasional flashes in the sky showing additional strike attempts being shot down. Bodark could tell they had neared the staging area as communications became marked unstable for most of them aside from Obadiah and his communications equipment. Walking through a valley along the alternate route, Bodark noticed Cassandra pointing to a heavily fortified ridgeline on what was their original path. An even bigger surprise was the lack of sarcasm from either Obadiah or Cassandra with the latter even joking lightly with Bodark.

Cassandra-A096: "Cov's are gonna be in for a rude awakening on our way back eh?"
Bodark-B076: "Huh?...Uh, yeah"
―Cassandra-A096 to Bodark-B076.

After several hours of hiking and stoppages to avoid particularly harsh blizzards, PERUN had arrived at their destination overlooking the mass of Covenant forces. While Adrian, Obadiah, and Damien established secure communications and a dugout, Bodark set up her targeting equipment before joining Cassandra in reconning and recording the site before them. The icy valley housed what must have been tens of thousands of covenant troops and vehicles with their ships sitting cramped overhead, a perfect target if she'd ever seen one. As the team awaited confirmation from other targeting elements, Bodark thought about her teammates, in particular Obadiah and Cassandra. While the break in relations shortly after meeting still hung over her mind, it was clear that over the last few missions they had genuinely begun to trust her and Adrian, and in this mission she and Adrian decided to trust them. She wasn't sure, but she was willing to try and work with them, maybe even become a proper team like they could have been.

Bodark's thoughts were cutoff as the confirmation for the strike was radioed to all teams with a warning that their current positions were on the edge of the killzone. On the other side of Krisatz, the few remaining ships along with terrestrial silos launched a barrage of hypersonic glide vehicles (HGVs) and guided MAC rounds skirting along Krisatz's atmosphere. The MACs were the first to soar overhead and strike the clustered warships and disable their shields in time for the HGVs to strike with their massive payloads, the combined shockwaves of which resulted in numerous icy cliff faces and once stable paths shattering and collapsing. PERUN were caught in one such collapse and had to abandon their position and head to a fallback location at the base of the valley they passed through.

-PERUN arrive and will operate as scouts and JFO for long range guided MACs and HGVs from ships over the horizon and outside covie sensor range

-PERUN are on the edge of the killzone, huge shockwaves and destruction all around, terrain is super heavily changed and PERUN has a hell of a time navigating back to UNSC lines.

Operation EVERGREEN[]

The Fall of Reach[]

Deployment to Imber[]

In late July 2552, Bodark and PERUN arrived in the Salisbury System following ONI reports of unknown activity on the glassed colony of Imber. With no UNSC vessels in the region, there was concern that civilians were trying to return to the colony despite being recently attacked by the Covenant. PERUN Team was deployed to the surface to investigate the sources of the activity as orbital scans were only able to narrow the area to a degree. In preparation for the deployment, Bodark and her team equipped specialized gear and armor coatings to allow them to operate for extended periods in the extreme heat.

Bodark and her team reached the area and began their search to locate the source of the activity. After some time, the team came across a deformed crevice covered with large rocks from the surrounding area. With the entrance cleared, Bodark and Obadiah lead the team through the narrow passages, finding more traces of activity from footprints to smashed lights. However, the situation changed when a hidden door was discovered, one of Covenant origin.

After calling in the discovery to the Vorpal Sword, Adrian and Bodark gave the team the clear to pry the door open. Before they could, they were surprised when a lance of Unggoy caused the door to open from inside. Having been discovered, Bodark and the team quickly eliminated the lance before moving deeper into the cavern and seeing the extent of the Covenant's presence on the planet. A facility had been built inside the cavern with numerous large relays and communication nodes stretching towards the surface from a large central structure. With alarms sounding from within the structure, PERUN split up with Bodark, Cassandra and Damien breaching through one of the doors while Adrian and Obadiah took the other. Their entry surprised the defenders, allowing the Bodark and her team to cut through them rapidly and turn to examine the room they were inside. Several holograms and screens displayed various symbols and images of planets and systems which, upon Obadiahs decoding, were revealed to be the targets of Covenant intel gathering, namely the Epsilon Eridani System.

The discovery of this recon and listening post prompted Bodark to report to the Vorpal Sword that SNAKE PIT needs to be declared due to Covenant surveillance of nearby systems while Adrian coordinated the rest of PERUN to recover any information and tech they could.

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Sub-Heading 3[]


EvenManatee887 Commission (Compressed)

Bodark circa 2558

Bodark stands at 6 feet 10 inches tall outside of her armor, making her one of the tallest Spartan-IIIs of Beta Company but also leading to a particularly difficult recovery process. Like her peers, she pushed her body to its limits in training regularly. But, as her teammates would find out, Bodark forced herself into additional training past curfew and its results took shape as a particularly impressive and developed body. This would only improve and become more natural and sustainable as she grew into her augmentations and adjusted her training around combat deployments.

Like any Spartan, Bodark would accumulate a myriad of scars, burns, cuts, and other injuries over her years of service and training. This was exacerbated by her preference for close range combat and use of heavy weapons against armored vehicles. A notable example of this is when she shattered her entire right arm from hand to shoulder which caused the heavy and discolored scarring on her right arm. The largest of these is a massive scar patch on her upper right arm which wraps underneath it and reaches up to her shoulder. By comparison, her left arm features far less major scarring but still features numerous pieces of evidence of her combat record.

While not as heavily defined by scars as her body, Bodark's head has its own unique features. She has a rectangular head and features a defined, squarish jaw which features a scar on her right side continuing from lip height down to her neckline. Bodark has relatively large eyes which are a hazel colour with majority of her irises being a rich green with a ring around her pupil of a vibrant reddish-orange. Alongside her striking eyes are thick and dark eyebrows, one bisected by a scar, and long eyelashes. While unique, her gaze is noted to be particularly intense, especially when angry, often much to the discomfort or outright fear of anyone on the receiving end. Her right eye also features a scar beneath it which continued up to its lower eyelid. Her left eye meanwhile has a scar near it on the side of her head which slightly continues up to her forehead.

Her last, and a particularly odd feature, is her hair. Prioritizing function over form, Bodark keeps her hair short anywhere it may interrupt putting on her gear, even styling it up and to her left to keep it off her forehead which is the only place it is longer. Naturally, like her eyebrows suggest, her hair is black but she keeps it dyed a platinum blonde. Originally this was done as part of a coping mechanism during training but she has kept it up out of personal preference. The only other feature here is a final scar going from the middle of the left side of her forehead up to her hairline and partly into her scalp but which is now covered by hair.


Bodark-B076 has used a number of weapons, knives, tools, and other equipment over the course of her deployments with many following a similar ethos of 'covering all bases'. She will regularly tailor her loadout for whatever the mission demands as well as include extra gear depending on length of deployment and potential for reinforcements. This has resulted in a rather varied gear arrangement over the years from very sparsely arranged pouches and hardpoints to allow for greater movement, to much more densely packed gear with numerous extra equipment.

Beta Company[]

Blender Render Kilo Team (Bodark)

Bodark-B076 in her SPI armor alongside Kilo Team in Operation REVEIAN WOLF.

Initial deployments as part of Kilo Team often saw Bodark carrying relatively little equipment into combat, mostly due to with her fixation on closing the gap and engaging in close combat against the hated Covenant. This took the form of her SPI armor wearing an armored chest harness with a basic datapad, a knife mounted on her left shoulder, and an assortment of pouches on her right shin to quickly access rifle magazines. More variable but still common gear was sapper charges which she would mount in sets of 2, 4 or 8 along her left thigh or hip. She would also include an uparmored band on her helmet to aid in close combat. Unlike many of her teammates, she did not mount any sort of battlefield recording device beyond the basic one in her helmet.

During her time in Beta Company, Bodark used the basic set of weapons available to her team, namely an MA5K and M6D with the former occasionally mounting an underbarrel grenade launcher depending on the rest of her loadout. Situational weapons included the M319 IGL and M510 MGL, usually with specialist ammunition, with Bodark often foregoing larger anti-armor weapons.

PERUN Team[]


When Bodark was reassigned as part of PERUN Team her loadout and outlook on combat as a whole would shift significantly both due to how long she was part of the team and due to her responsibilities as a second-in-command. Bodark's armor would change significantly after her assignment to PERUN Team with her moving from SPI Armor to the significantly more capable Mark IV armor, these late-war versions equipped with early shielding examples. Her first deployment in the armor as part of Operation MOONSHINE had the armor in its standard configuration and colouration.

Following the operation, Bodark would requisition a relatively limited number of changes to her armor, the most significant being the replacement of the standard helmet with the advanced Arger helmet with a SYCAMORE remote sensor which complemented her role in command and responsibilities as a JFO. She also replaced smaller of the asymmetric pauldrons with a larger and more armored one to which she would commonly mount her knife. Finally, she would regularly carry a set of SBER-X demolition charges and detonator on her thigh.

Following PERUNs deployment to Verdant Splendor, Bodark would overhaul her armor with several new parts available from Mark IV [B] and adopt her iconic paint scheme. The first major change was the adoption of the Commando helmet which offered better situational awareness and a FC-I FASCIA brim to increase protection and improve communications with fire support platforms. She also replaced the standard Mark IV shoulders with a Commando pauldron on her right shoulder and an ODST pauldron on her left. Lastly, the paintjob which marked her first adoption of a non-standard colour is a pattern very reminiscent of the dark green worn on her SPI armor.

Blender Render Boark-B076 Mark IV (2550) Desert Scene (Solo)

Bodark-B076 in 2549 deployed alongside the 110th Assault Infantry Battalion.

The biggest shift in her weapons was the replacement of the MA5K with the MA2B, this was mostly due to the impressive power of the MA2B and the wider variety of ammo types available to it. The MA2B would become a staple for Bodark throughout her years of service with her fielding it in many variations and even into the Post-War years. She would later supplant this with the BR55HB for deployments expecting longer range combat Another defining piece of equipment for Bodark would be her machete whose axe-shaped design was modeled off of old military survival machetes. Like any spartan melee weapon, this was made of hyperdense alloy and was self-sharpening which, along with the force of a Spartan wielding it, allowed it to cleave into Covenant body armor with ease. This is typically carried on a magnetic frame attached to her right shin; along with this she would regularly carry a standard combat knife on a shoulder or hip mount.


In early 2552, Bodark along with PERUN Team would receive their new Mark V [B] armor. Bodark's Mark V [B] armor would greatly resemble her later Mark IV armor including the same helmet, shoulders, and very similar equipment set-ups. The only real exception to this was the adoption of a COURIER PEARL HUL on her helmet to maintain contact with command elements even if the team split. On top of the addition of more advanced energy shielding, the streamlined design of the armor meant she had greatly improved mobility which also meant relocating her knife placements to having her combat knife on her left flank and her machete on the back of her belt. Additionally, she now wore a large belt of grenade launcher rounds on her belt and a pair on her chest. She also adopted a new blue visor based on those used by ODSTs.

Bodark's loadout in this time was largely unchanged from the past aside from the increased use of the BR55HB. One change was that she now used underbarrel grenade launchers with far more regularity and took advantage of recent developments in the variety of rounds including some exotic rounds of her own design. In the Post-War years she would include some new weapons into her arsenal, namely the ARC-920 Railgun which would become a staple anti-armor weapon of hers as she would eventually make her own custom variant. Along with this would be the BR85HB which would also become a mainstay rifle of hers along with her MA2B.


Image Name Description
Blender Render PERUN Team (Bodark) Mark IV Mark IV [B]
Bodark Manassas 1 (2) Mark V[B] Mark V [B]
Image [GEN2] GEN2 (2554)
Bodark-B076 GEN2 ManMighty Comm Final Edited [GEN2] GEN2 (2558)
Blender Render Bodark-B076 GEN3 Fanon (2024) (Edited) Link GEN3


Image Name Description
HF BDRK MA2B MA2B Assault Rifle
HF,FARISL BDRK BR, 3 BR55HB Battle Rifle
Blender Render Bodark-B076 Battle Rifle BR85HB Battle Rifle
Blender Render Bodark-B076 GEN3 Loadout (Commando) VK78 Commando


M6H2 Tactical

Blender Render Bodark-B076 GEN3 Loadout (Knockout) MK50 SOCOM 'Knockout'
HF BDRK RAILGUN ARC-920 Railgun Entering service in late 2556, the ARC-920 railgun was requisitioned by Bodark soon after. The railgun offered a particularly effective yet compact anti-vehicle weapon that was decidedly more capable than either of Bodark's grenade launchers. She would put the weapon to deadly use, using a variety of ammo types to cripple and destroy vehicles by exploiting weak points. Due to this success, she would heavily modify her railgun with a 2-4x smart-link optic, a custom VISR link that can adjust the power level the railgun fires at, cooling plates attached to the 'booms' of the railgun to allow faster follow-up shots, a variety of ammo such as FTP-APHE, FTP-HE, FTP-AP, FTP-HEAB, and others depending on the mission. Finally, she adorned the railgun with a name on both sides of its upper boom, 'Zveroboy', a Russian word meaning 'Beast Killer'. Despite her fondness of the weapon, supply cut-offs due to the Created Crisis would see it fall out of use and eventually be replaced by the Skewer.
Blender Render Bodark-B076 GEN3 Loadout (Skewer) Skewer Description


  • The Infobox 2560 and Appearance section images of Bodark out of armor are by @LoopVoid on Twitter. Link for their work here, https://x.com/LoopVoid
  • The 3D image of the token was modeled by SaucyGrave on Blender
  • All images of Bodark in Armor from Operation: CARTWHEEL to Evacuation of Argyll II were made by Silverlastname. His work can be found here, https://twitter.com/LastnameSilver
  • The infobox image of Bodark in SPI was made by D042. His work can be found here, https://twitter.com/D042Spartan
  • The previous infobox image of Bodark in GEN2 [2558] armor was made by ThatOneODST. His work can be found here, https://twitter.com/ThatOneODST
  • The current infobox image of Bodark in GEN2 [2558] armor was made by ManMighty. Their work can be found here, https://twitter.com/ManmightyFN
  • The image of the BR55HB Battle Rifle in the weapons table was made by Jared Harris (Malcontent1692) using assets from the Far Isle Mod. Their work can be found here https://www.artstation.com/malcontent1692

