Halo Fanon
Terminal This fanfiction article, Batt Defense and Security, was written by Echowaffle8. Please do not edit this fiction without the writer's permission.
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Batt Defense and Security
Unit Background

Private security (supposed), scam



Current Commander


Current Status



Batt Defense and Security, also officially known as BD&S but frequently doing business as BDS, was a fraudulent security firm.


Following the rise of Baal Defense Solutions after the Human-Covenant War, many similar companies were formed hoping to cash in on successes in the field. However, the majority of those companies were unsuccessful, not least because BDS was capable of augmenting losses from its less profitable divisions by doing illegal business. This changed abruptly when Batt Defense and Security was founded in October 2553.


BD&S claims to operate in all of the same fields as BDS - including, much to the dismay of the BDS lawyers, the illegal ones. It enters into contracts using the "BDS" name at prices far lower than what BDS would actually charge, takes half of the money up front, and then disappears. This not only makes the scammers a significant amount of money, but it also had the potentially unintended side-effect of drawing away potential customers from BDS.
